Before I begin, check out this article from Harvard University for more information on the philosophy behind mindful eating (click the link). Then come back, I’ll be waiting for you!
I have a well known reputation for being fit and healthy, I have also studied nutrition and wellbeing, so I have both a grounding in and a reasonable understanding of the topic.
This is not about weight loss, however if that is your goal, then mindful eating well help you get there. For everyone else, it’s just about eating healthily, good food choices and making sure you are actually present in the moment whilst you are eating.
I was out for dinner with a date the other night. He was saying he loved that I am committed to my fitness and health journey. He said he was looking to drop a couple kilos as he felt he needed to for his own well-being. Then he asked my advice. I must say I do find it amusing that it’s often when eating that folk seek my advice, clearly it’s some sort of trigger for health conversations! He regularly goes to the gym and cycles several days per week, but as he put it he “loves food.” Well, don’t we all love food?
Mindful eating “focuses on our eating experiences, body-related sensations, and thoughts and feelings about food, with heightened awareness and without judgment. Attention is paid to the foods being chosen, internal and external physical cues, and your responses to those cues.” [Harvard, 2020]
Here are three steps you can consider following to help you stay focused and in the moment when eating:
1. Don’t gobble down your food
Put your fork/utensil down between bites. Take it easy, slow it down and just appreciate your food.
2. Pay attention to what you are eating
Enjoy the flavours, aroma, taste and texture – especially if you cooked the meal, admire and enjoy your creation!
3. Focus on what you are eating
I know it’s easy to eat in front of the t.v. or your computer, hell I for sure have done that often enough. However, I know personally that if you become engrossed in the screen, the food vanishes before you even realize. Slow. It. Down. Focus! Enjoy! Take it easy! Eat at the table, focus and concentrate on what is on your plate and enjoy your meal.
Also, if someone takes the time to cook a meal for you – respect their effort and appreciate what you have been offered. Eating is a reverent experience and you honor the person who went to the effort to make something to nourish and please you if you slow it down and focus on the meal.
As for my date, he looked down at his plate and seemed a bit surprised to actually notice the food and the presentation, the mix of colors, the different textures and flavors and he slowed it right down. Hopefully he can take that mindfulness into his next meal and hopefully you can too!
eat mindfullyhealth and wellbeinghealthy eatingmindful eatingmindful philosophymindfulnessslow eatingwomen's health