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Believe in yourself! It’s important…

In the noise and busyness of life’s challenges and uncertainties, there exists a subtle yet mighty force that has the power to shape our destinies – the belief in oneself.

It’s a whisper in our hearts, an unwavering spark that, when nurtured, can transform doubts into determination, obstacles into opportunities, and dreams into reality.

Today I am going to delve into the profound impact of believing in oneself, exploring how it serves as the guiding light that illuminates our path through the darkest of times, unlocking the brilliance of our own potential.

Believing in oneself is a quiet flame, one that doesn’t boast its presence or demand attention. Instead, it burns gently within, fueling the fire of determination.

It’s a source of inner strength, often underestimated, yet paramount to our growth and success. This silent power provides the resolve to chase our dreams and confront the challenges that stand in our way.

We’ve all faced moments when doubts cloud our judgment and sow the seeds of hesitation. The beauty of self-belief is that it acts as a counterbalance to these doubts.

When you believe in yourself, you cultivate the conviction needed to push forward despite the uncertainty. Doubts become stepping stones, propelling you toward your goals instead of holding you back.

Obstacles are a natural part of life’s journey. However, the lens of self-belief allows us to see them in a different light.

Instead of roadblocks, they become opportunities for growth and learning. With self-belief, you are better equipped to face challenges head-on, finding creative solutions, and emerging stronger and wiser on the other side.

Believing in yourself is the catalyst that can turn dreams into tangible realities. It fuels the persistence required to pursue those aspirations, even in the face of adversity.

With unwavering self-belief, you take action, make the necessary sacrifices, and persist until your dreams materialize. It’s the force that can change the trajectory of your life.

In the darkest of times, when life’s challenges seem insurmountable, it’s self-belief that lights the way.

It’s the beacon that guides you through the shadows, keeping you focused on your goals and inspiring you to persevere. No matter how tough the journey, your belief in yourself can lead you toward a brighter future.

Each one of us possesses a unique brilliance, a potential waiting to be fully realized. Believing in yourself is the key to unlocking that potential.

It’s the reminder that you are capable, valuable, and deserving of success. When you trust in your abilities, you allow your brilliance to shine, not only benefiting yourself but also inspiring others to do the same.

In a world often filled with noise and self-doubt, the quiet flame of self-belief remains a powerful force for transformation.

It’s the unwavering spark within that empowers us to navigate life’s challenges and chase our dreams with determination. Through self-belief, we discover the resilience to turn doubts into determination, embrace obstacles as opportunities, and turn our wildest dreams into reality.

Remember, you possess the brilliance to illuminate your own path and inspire others along the way. So, nurture that quiet flame within, and let it light the way to your boundless potential.




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Motorcycles, friendship & support…

My friend rides a Harley. Today we went on a ride with the Perth chapter of the Harley Davidson Motorcycle Club for a breast cancer fundraiser.

It was awesome! The sound of hundreds of motobikes growling and roaring down the highway was incredible.

People were lining the streets of Fremantle to watch the bikes go by, waving and cheering.

group of motorcycles

These people are the absolute best! They have my back and they are so supportive and protective. And there is something super special about seeing  big, tough biker dudes all dressed up in pink in support of women’s health!  Love it!

If you see a group of motobikes roaring by and everyone is geared up in pink, wave and smile and join in the love, care and support.

a woman on a Harley Davidson motorbike

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The Liberating Act of Closing the Door on Negativity: Embracing a Life of Positivity

Life is a journey – some of it difficult, some easy. Our path twists & turns and occasionally doubles back on itself. The people that we choose to allow into our lives can have a profound impact on our life journey and our emotional wellbeing.

In my journey, I’ve come to appreciate the profound benefits that come from firmly closing the door on negative people, those who emit low vibrations and seldom seek the help they need.

Instead, I’ve made the conscious choice to surround myself with loving, kind, warm, giving, and positive individuals who uplift my spirit and nurture my well-being. The transformation has been nothing short of extraordinary, and I’m eager to share the profound impact of this decision on my life.

Negativity has a way of seeping into our lives like a slow, creeping fog. It can be subtle, at first, like a whisper in the back of our minds, but if left unchecked, it can envelop us in a shroud of doubt, anxiety, and unhappiness.

These are the low vibrational energies that often emanate from negative people—individuals who may be struggling with their own demons but rarely seek the help they need.

For far too long, I allowed these negative forces to infiltrate my life, draining my energy and clouding my perspective.

It was a heavy burden to bear, and I realized that I needed to make a change. I needed to close the door on negativity and create space for the positivity that I deserved.

The act of firmly shutting that door was both liberating and empowering. It was a declaration that I valued my own well-being, and I refused to let anyone, or anything jeopardize it.

It was a statement that I would no longer be a receptacle for the negative energy of others.

By doing so, I created room for a different kind of energy—the warm, loving, and positive vibrations of people who genuinely care for my well-being.

These individuals radiated kindness and positivity, and their presence brought with it a sense of peace and contentment that I had long yearned for.

Surrounding myself with loving and kind individuals has had a transformative effect on my life. Their positivity is infectious, and it has seeped into every corner of my existence. It has bolstered my confidence, enhanced my mental and emotional well-being, and reignited my zest for life.

In their company, I have rediscovered the joy of simple pleasures, the beauty in everyday moments, and the power of genuine human connection.

They have become my support system, my cheerleaders, and my confidants, offering unwavering encouragement in times of need and celebration during moments of triumph.

While I believe that negativity is often a cry for help, it’s a journey that individuals must embark on themselves.

We can extend a hand and offer assistance, but ultimately, they must choose to seek the help they need to break free from the shackles of negativity. Until then, we must prioritize our own well-being and protect our positive energy.

Life is a beautiful thing when you firmly close the door to negativity and no longer allow it to seep into your life.

It’s a conscious choice to surround yourself with love, kindness, warmth, and positivity—a choice that has the power to transform your existence from one of darkness and doubt to one of light and limitless potential.

As I bask in the warm embrace of positive energies, I am reminded that we have the agency to curate our own lives.

We can choose who we allow in, and by surrounding ourselves with loving, kind, and positive individuals, we create a life filled with joy, love, and the profound beauty of positivity.

Sending you all peace, love, and light.

AI image of a woman in a forest with the light shining through the trees
AI image


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The Dark Side of Wishing Harm: A Tale of Compassion and Resilience

I have previously written about the car accident I was in a couple months back. But I am writing another post about it, because there was an unexpected plot twist. Please, if you may, read on to find out!

In life, we often encounter challenges and obstacles that test our patience and resilience. But nothing could have prepared me for the shocking cruelty of a wish that no one should ever experience—an ill-wishing from that toxic ex that was so sinister that it pierced through the realms of empathy and humanity.

It all began on a day like any other, with the barely rising sun casting its gentle rays upon the road, painting the world with a soft light and hope. Little did I know that the fallout from this day would forever change my perspective on the power of compassion and the ugliness of ill-wishing.

As I was driving to the gym, the calmness of the day was suddenly shattered by a jarring collision. I barely had time to react as the young nurse behind the wheel of the other car, exhausted from an overnight shift, missed a give-way sign and crashed into my vehicle. The sound of crumpling metal was deafening, and my heart raced as I tried to process what had just happened.

Amid the chaos and the haze of confusion, I stepped out of my car to confront the damage. But my shock quickly turned to disbelief as I saw the condition of the other driver. The young nurse, her eyes filled with tears, was trembling and distraught. She looked as if she had just seen her world crumble before her eyes.

In that moment, any upset I may have felt about the accident was overshadowed by a deep sense of empathy and concern for this young woman. I approached her gently, offering a hug and words of comfort.

I reassured her that no one had been injured, emphasizing that cars can be fixed or replaced, but lives cannot. She clung to me, tears streaming down her face, and I could feel the weight of her distress. She kept apologizing for her loss of attention and she was deeply upset that she may have potentially injured or killed someone.

It was during this profoundly emotional encounter that I realized the true essence of humanity—our capacity for empathy and compassion, even in the face of adversity.

In that moment of vulnerability, the nurse and I connected on a level that transcended the accident. We were two strangers brought together by a twist of fate, finding solace in each other’s understanding and support.

However, what happened next was as shocking as it was heartbreaking. My toxic ex, upon hearing about the accident, decided to exploit the situation in the most despicable way possible.

He sent me a message (on my blog some time after the accident) and called it my “karma” and used the accident as an opportunity to wish me harm, as if I deserved to be hurt for an unfortunate event that was beyond anyone’s control. By extension, by ill-wishing me, he also ill-wished a poor, young nurse and that is despicable.

Such a callous and vindictive response to a situation filled with pain and distress left me stunned and disheartened. It served as a stark reminder that some people choose to revel in the suffering of others, blinded by their own bitterness and resentment.

It revealed the true character of my ex, a person capable of harboring dark thoughts and ill-wishes even in the face of human suffering. My family and friends were shocked beyond measure when I showed them the message.

In the end, this experience taught me two valuable lessons. First, accidents happen, and they are never anyone’s “karma.” We must approach them with empathy, understanding, and a willingness to support one another.

Second, it revealed the true measure of a person’s character, which can be exposed in the most unexpected moments.

As I reflect on this harrowing incident, I choose to focus on the compassion and resilience that emerged from it. I am grateful for the opportunity to comfort and reassure the young nurse, and I am determined to rise above the darkness of ill-wishing and cruelty.

I am deeply grateful that neither she nor I or anyone else were killed or injured. That is all that matters.

In the face of adversity, kindness and empathy will always prevail, reminding us that, no matter how wicked the world may seem at times, our humanity can shine through the darkest of moments.


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Reflections on Life

I have had a lot of time this year to reflect on my life. Time spent in countless medical waiting rooms to see various specialists, waiting for scans, staying still in scanning machines and a few stays in hospital for operations and other procedures.

All up I am deeply grateful for my life. I have the most wonderful, loving people around me and I could not be more blessed. Yes, there have been challenges and sometimes I have ended up in tears when it all got a bit overwhelming. But equally I have laughed many times at the absurdity of things and very much realise that life is strange, fabulous, harsh, beautiful and the most precious gift that we have.

When I have felt overwhelmed I have thought to myself “ok, deal with this one thing and move forwards.” Mostly that works. Occasionally, it’s like “seriously universe?” Overall, I am reminded that I am fortunate to live in a country with excellent health care and that I can afford private health insurance (I prefer private rooms in hospital – that’s just me and I am deeply grateful for the privilege.)

Today I reflect on all the things that brought me to this point in life. It has been a wonderous journey, occasionally strange and some wrong turns. But I always get back on track, put one foot in front of the other and look towards the future whilst appreciating my here and now.

I have some beautiful friends around me who always offer their love and support. I have been saddened to see four long-term relationships end over the last couple of months for some of my dearest friends. Each of my friends are the kindest, sweetest and most loving of people. It is now my turn to offer my loving friendship and support to them to be a small part of their path forwards into their new lives.

They are all at various stages in the grief process and it is heartbreaking to see them go through this challenge.💔 There is shock and bafflement as to why things have to end. I have wrapped my arms around them (two in person and two virtually due to distance) and told them they are beautiful souls who deserve to be loved and cherished. They really, really do deserve the very best.

Yesterday was RUOK Day and I am reminded that we do need to care for each other and reach out, not just today, but everyday and ask “how are you?” Do it from a place of authenticity. Ask with a genuine belief that you want to hear the answer. A lot of people are not ok at all. Many do not want to share their grief, pain or depression. But if you give them the space and be prepared to listen, hear and offer empathy, then you may help someone open up.

You don’t have to fix things for them. Often listening is enough or a start at least. I have had times where I have been stoic and just pushed through things. Other days I have walked into work feeling mostly fine, then someone says “hey, how are you?” and I end up in tears. I am deeply fortunate that I work in a very supportive environment with really wonderful people and an understanding and empathetic boss.

I am the Safety & Wellbeing officer in my workplace. For RUOK Day I took my dog into work (he’s a registered therapy dog) for customers and team to pet and cuddle. One girl said she was feeling really down that day and seeing George immediately lifted her spirits and changed the tone of her day.


My message to you all is to be gentle with yourself. Life has many twists and turns. We can have our hearts broken, we can suffer sudden or chronic illness, we can lose people. But if we genuinely and carefully nurture ourselves, then we have the capacity and bandwidth to help each other through the good times and the bad.

As I take one step after another into my future I am fortunate to have my daughter, family & friends by my side offering love and support, laughter and joy. Equally, I am there for them for anything they may face – good or bad – now and in the times ahead. Gratitude is my daily mantra:

I put my energy into things that matter to me. I am grateful for my life’s challenges for helping me grow and become who I am. I am grateful for my dreams and I know I have the power to manifest them. I love myself, respect myself, and accept myself exactly as I am.

image of a 'gratitude jar' with messages inside

mainimage credit:brandreka


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Rumors, Gossip, and Living Fabulously: The Power of Ignoring Haters

In the world of social interactions, there’s an unfortunate reality we all have to face at some point—people gossiping about us behind our backs and spreading rumors.

It’s a bitter pill to swallow, but it’s one that most of us have tasted at some point in our lives.

So, what’s the best tactic when faced with such negativity? In my opinion, it’s to ignore them and keep living your best life, surrounded by love, laughter, and unapologetic fabulousness.

The Sting of Gossip

We’ve all been there—those hushed conversations, the curious glances, and the feeling that something is amiss.

Rumors and gossip can feel like a dagger aimed right at your heart, questioning your character and integrity without your consent. It’s a painful experience that can weigh you down if you let it.

I know for sure I have had bizarre rumors spread about me. I have been shown text messages by some people I know confirming the bs. They showed me because they care about me and they are disturbed by the unhinged messaging and the unwarranted vitriol directed at me and wanted to warn me.

The Power of Ignorance

But here’s the secret that I’ve learned: Gossip only has power if you give it attention. The moment you stop feeding into the drama and cease to acknowledge those who spread rumors, their power over you diminishes. Ignorance, in this case, truly is bliss.

Living Your Best Life

Instead of dwelling on negativity, focus your energy on the things that truly matter in life. Surround yourself with people who love and support you unconditionally.

Spend time with friends and family who appreciate you for who you are, not who others claim you to be.

I am so fortunate to have loyal and loving friends and family who have my back – always and without question! They are a loving circle of support and positive energy surrounding me with a vibe of protection and enduring love.

Dance Like Nobody’s Watching

One of my favorite ways to combat the negativity of gossip is by dancing my heart out. There’s something liberating about moving to the beat, losing yourself in the music, and letting go of all the worries and doubts.

Dance like nobody’s watching because, frankly, they shouldn’t matter.

Embrace Your Fabulousness

Being yourself, unapologetically, is a superpower. It’s about embracing your quirks, your passions, and your uniqueness.

When you stay true to yourself, the rumors and gossip lose their impact. Your authenticity shines like a beacon, leaving no room for doubt or speculation.

Surround Yourself with Love

Your tribe, the people who truly care about you, will always have your back. Lean on them for support during tough times and celebrate the good times together.

When you’re surrounded by love, the negativity of gossip seems inconsequential in comparison.

The Art of Resilience

Living fabulously doesn’t mean that you’re immune to pain or that you should pretend like rumors don’t hurt.

It means that you have the resilience to rise above them, to keep moving forward, and to focus on what truly brings you joy.

Gossip and rumors are like passing storms—they may be turbulent, but they will eventually pass. The best response is to keep living your best life, surrounded by love, laughter, and the things that make your heart sing.

Dance, stay fabulous, and ignore the haters, because in the end, it’s your happiness and authenticity that matter most.

So, let the gossipers gossip, and you just keep being your fabulous self, because for sure I am!

Image credit:@dreamgirl (dress from Etsy:heartmycloset)

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