Embracing Life: Celebrating Victory Over Breast Cancer

In the grand narrative of life, there are chapters that test our resilience, chapters that redefine our strength, and chapters that celebrate our triumphs. Today, as I sit down to share my story, I find myself basking in the radiant glow of victory, for I am officially free from breast cancer.

The journey has been nothing short of tumultuous, a rollercoaster of emotions, fears, and hopes. Yet, through the darkest nights and the brightest days, I have not merely survived; I have thrived. With unwavering determination and boundless courage, I confronted each obstacle head-on, refusing to let adversity define me.

Just recently, I received the long-awaited results from my PET & CT scans and blood tests—a testament to the relentless pursuit of healing and the power of resilience. No sign of breast cancer! *happy dance*

The non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, once scattered throughout my abdominal area like ominous clouds, has regressed. Several nodes have shrunk, one has vanished entirely, leaving behind whispers of hope and whispers of gratitude.

Yet, amidst the triumph, there lingers one stubborn node, a reminder that life’s battles are not always easily won. But as they say, there’s always one, isn’t there?

In this moment of celebration, I find myself overwhelmed with gratitude, for I have not walked this path alone. To my healthcare providers, whose care and remarkable skill have been beacons of light in the darkest of times, I extend my deepest appreciation. Your unwavering dedication has been the cornerstone of my journey, guiding me towards healing and restoration.

To my gym trainers and gym buddies, who stood by me through the toughest of workouts and the most challenging of days, your encouragement fueled my spirit and strengthened my resolve. In your company, I found solace and strength, forging bonds that transcend mere friendship.

To my beautiful daughter, my rock amidst the raging storm, your love and unwavering support have been my greatest source of strength. In your eyes, I found the courage to press on, to fight fiercely, and to never lose sight of the beauty that lies beyond the shadows.

And to my dance community and friends, whose laughter and camaraderie lit up even the darkest of nights, your unwavering support and boundless love lifted my spirits and carried me through the storm. In your company, I found the courage to dance amidst the rain, to embrace life’s melodies, and to celebrate each precious moment.

As I stand on the threshold of a new beginning, I am reminded that life’s greatest victories are not measured by the battles we win, but by the love we share, the friendships we cherish, and the moments we hold dear. In the tapestry of life, every thread, every triumph, and every tear, weaves together to form the masterpiece of our existence.

Today, as I embrace the warmth of the sun and the gentle caress of the wind, I am reminded of the beauty that lies within each moment, the magic that resides within each heartbeat.

In my life, amidst the laughter and the tears, there lies the promise of a new beginning, a promise of hope, and a promise of love.

And so, as I bid farewell to the shadows of yesterday and embrace the light of tomorrow, I do so with a heart full of gratitude, a spirit renewed, and a soul ablaze with the fire of resilience.


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Dancing with Resilience: A Message of Hope for Those Overcoming Trauma

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In the vast ocean of life, many of us find ourselves navigating tumultuous waves, facing the challenges of trauma that threaten to pull us under.

Today, I want to share a message of hope, inspired by the profound wisdom that lies in the saying, “Dance with the waves, move with the sea, let the rhythm of the water set your soul free.”

I want to dedicate this post to the beautiful souls who have triumphed over trauma and to those who are still entangled in the nets of pain. Many of you have reached out to me and I hear you and I am here for you. Take care and be gentle with yourself, you deserve loving kindness.

There is a promise of light at the end of the tunnel, and I wish you kindness, love, blessings, and, above all else, peace.

The Ocean of Life

Life, much like the vast expanse of the ocean, is filled with highs and lows, calm moments, and stormy seas.

For those who have experienced trauma, it often feels like being caught in a tempest that threatens to drown us. Yet, within the chaos, there lies an inherent rhythm—a rhythm that, when embraced, can lead us to liberation.

Dancing with the Waves

“Dance with the waves.” It’s an invitation to engage with life’s challenges, not as adversaries, but as partners in a cosmic dance.

When we learn to move with the ebb and flow of our experiences, acknowledging the pain without letting it define us, we discover an inner resilience that allows us to ride the waves with grace.

Moving with the Sea

“Move with the sea.” It’s a call to surrender to the currents of life, recognizing that resistance often intensifies the struggle.

By moving with the sea, we release the need for control, allowing the natural forces to guide us. In doing so, we find a sense of acceptance that becomes the foundation for healing.

Let the Rhythm Set Your Soul Free

“Let the rhythm of the water set your soul free.” In the dance of life, there’s a rhythm that transcends the chaos—a rhythm that, when embraced, leads to freedom.

It’s a freedom born from the understanding that, despite the pain, our souls have an innate ability to heal and rediscover joy.

For the Beautiful Souls

This message is for the beautiful souls who have experienced trauma and have emerged as resilient warriors.

Your strength is an inspiration, and your journey is a testament to the transformative power of the human spirit.

Your scars tell a story of survival, and your light shines as a beacon of hope for others navigating stormy seas.

A Promise of Light

To those who are still caught in the nets of pain, I want to offer a promise: there is light at the end of the tunnel.

The storms may rage, but they do not last forever. Your capacity to endure is greater than you realize, and as you dance with the waves, you’ll discover an inner strength that guides you towards the serenity you deserve.

Wishing You Peace

I wish you all kindness, love, blessings, and, above all else, peace.

May the dance of life lead you to a place of healing, and may the rhythm of your soul set you free from the depths of pain.

You are not alone, and there is a community of support ready to embrace you as you navigate the seas of life.

So, my beautiful souls, dance with resilience, move with acceptance, and let the rhythm of healing waters set your soul free. The journey may be challenging, but there is a symphony of hope playing just beyond the waves. Embrace it, and may your life be filled with the harmonious melodies of peace and recovery.



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Unmasking the Past: Unexpected Reactions to Sharing a Toxic Relationship Anecdote Over Lunch

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Lunch with friends, a time for laughter, shared stories, and the joy of catching up on each other’s lives. Little did I know that a seemingly innocuous anecdote from my past would leave my friends shocked and deeply concerned.

Today, I want to share the unexpected turn of events that occurred when I opened up about a chapter in my life, thinking it was just one of many experiences.

The Setting: A Casual Lunch Gathering

Picture this – a cozy restaurant, the clinking of cutlery, and the hum of conversation as I sat down for a long-overdue lunch with friends.

The atmosphere was light, and I felt comfortable sharing snippets from my past, little fragments that make up the mosaic of who I am today.

The Unveiling of an Anecdote: My Time with a Toxic Narcissist

As the conversation flowed, I found myself sharing an anecdote from my time in a toxic relationship with a narcissist.

In my mind, it was just one of many stories – a part of my past that I had learned and grown from.

However, as I spoke, I noticed a shift in the room. The laughter subsided, and a wave of shock and concern washed over my friends’ faces.

The Unexpected Reaction: A Reality Check

Stopping mid-sentence, I couldn’t help but wonder why my friends were reacting this way.

It wasn’t until that moment that I realized the gravity of the situation I had described.

What I considered a minor chapter in my life was, for them, a shocking revelation of emotional turmoil and manipulation.

Perception vs. Reality: The Complexity of Experience

It’s fascinating how our perception of our own experiences can differ so vastly from how others perceive them.

What I considered just a piece of the puzzle, my friends saw as a red flag – a clear sign of a tumultuous journey I had endured.

It was a moment of introspection for me, realizing that the impact of certain experiences can be deeply rooted, even if we perceive them as less significant in the grand scheme of things.

The Power of Sharing: Breaking the Silence

Despite the initial shock, the revelation sparked a conversation about toxic relationships, narcissistic behavior, and the importance of breaking the silence.

It was a moment of shared vulnerability, turning what could have been a discomforting experience into an opportunity for mutual support and understanding.

As I reflect on that lunch gathering, I’m reminded of the power of sharing our stories – the good, the bad, and the complex.

What may seem like a minor anecdote to us can be a significant revelation for others.

It’s a reminder that each of our experiences is unique, and the impact of those experiences can ripple through our lives in unexpected ways.

So here’s to the power of conversation, the strength found in vulnerability, and the unexpected revelations that come when we share the chapters of our lives.

It’s a journey of growth, understanding, and, ultimately, healing.


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Unpacking Emotional Baggage: A Journey to Break Free from Unhealthy Patterns

We’ve all been there—choosing emotionally unavailable or shady partners, falling into the trap of people-pleasing, wrestling with perfectionism, and getting caught in the endless loop of overthinking.

For sure I have had experience with a really shady partner some time ago. He was a full-blown narcissist, emotionally unavailable, emotionally corrupt and he enjoyed causing pain to all those who unfortunately had dealings with him.

The weekend prior to our breakup was classic. He had undergone cosmetic treatment to his eyelids (vain af he was😂). I spent that entire weekend looking after him. He literally could barely open his eyes, they were so swollen and bruised. So I went over to his place, cooked his meals, took groceries to last him the week ahead as he was too vain to be seen out in public after his procedure. I brought wine, chocolates and all his favorite things to eat. I literally babied him the entire weekend.

Then he broke up with me in a text message the day I returned home.

Was I surprised? Yes and no. I knew the relationship was on its last legs. I knew he was toxic and causing me emotional distress and damage.

I knew he used me for emotional support for all the dramas he had been going through, there was absolutely no gratitude or kindness on his end.

So, yeah – it had to end. But it was still brutal. I had cared for him and nurtured him and my reward was a shitty little text breaking it off.

It happens, it shouldn’t, people should behave better. But some just cannot. They treat people as disposable.

We need to ensure that we stay safe, have good boundaries, surround ourselves with genuine, loving family and friends.

It’s a familiar narrative, one that many of us find ourselves entangled in at different points in our lives.

The question is: How do we break free from these patterns and declutter the emotional baggage that holds us back?

Choosing Emotional Availability Over Shadiness

Understanding Emotional Unavailability:

Choosing partners who are emotionally unavailable can be a deeply ingrained pattern.

It often stems from our own insecurities or a desire to fix and nurture others. However, recognizing this pattern is the first step toward change.

The Decluttering Process:

Begin by reflecting on your own emotional needs and boundaries. What are your deal-breakers?

What do you truly deserve in a relationship? Letting go of emotionally unavailable partners means making space for connections that are built on mutual understanding, respect, and emotional availability.

Breaking the Chains of People-Pleasing

Identifying People-Pleasing Patterns:

People-pleasing is a common struggle for many, driven by a fear of rejection or conflict.

It often leaves us exhausted, as our actions become dictated by the expectations of others rather than our own authentic selves.

The Decluttering Process:

Start by becoming aware of your own needs and desires. Practice setting healthy boundaries and saying no when necessary.

Embrace the discomfort that comes with standing up for yourself, and remember that your worth is not determined by others’ approval.

Dismantling the Perfectionism Trap

Recognizing the Perfectionism Cycle:

Perfectionism can be paralyzing, preventing us from taking risks and embracing imperfections.

It’s essential to understand that perfection is an unattainable goal and that the pursuit of it can hinder personal growth.

The Decluttering Process:

Challenge your inner critic by reframing your perspective on failure. Embrace the learning opportunities that come with making mistakes.

Cultivate self-compassion and recognize that imperfections are what make us beautifully human.

Escaping the Overthinking Maze

Understanding the Overthinking Tendency:

Overthinking often results from anxiety about the future or fixation on the past. It steals our present moment and prevents us from fully experiencing life.

The Decluttering Process:

Practice mindfulness and grounding techniques to bring yourself back to the present.

Challenge irrational thoughts and focus on what you can control. Cultivate a mindset that values the present moment, allowing room for spontaneity and joy.

Crafting the Life You Deserve

Decluttering emotional baggage is a journey, not a destination. It requires self-reflection, courage, and a commitment to your own well-being.

By identifying and addressing these patterns, you pave the way for a life that aligns with your needs, desires, and inherent worth.

Remember, you have the power to break free from these patterns and create a life that reflects your authentic self.

Embrace the journey of self-discovery, and step into a future unburdened by emotional baggage—a future that holds the promise of genuine connections, self-love, and the fulfillment you truly deserve


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