I love running. Outside in the fresh air and listening to music. I have bone conducting wireless headphones, so I can still hear ambient noise and traffic! I usually run 5 – 6km around 3 times/week. However, on my birthday each year, I like to run a 10km.
When I turned 64, I went for my 10km annual run. It was a beautiful day, sunny, yet crisp. I set out from my partner’s place. 3km to the river, around for another 2km and back. There are several hills on the route and a couple of really steep ones in the last couple of k’s. However, it was a glorious run. One of those runs that just felt super easy and cruisy and fun. Even the hills didn’t faze me.
I went for another 10k run a couple of weeks after and it was horrendous. It felt like running through treacle. Then at the 4.5k mark, I tripped and landed heavily on the concrete path. I grazed and bruised both hands, both elbows and my left knee.
I continued with my run, but it was tough and unpleasant and when I got home, I was shaky and sore and feeling sorry for myself. Have you tried taking a shower when covered in grazes? Stings like crazy! I do not recommend!
A couple of months prior, I also tripped and fell and grazed myself up and then limped/ran home.
I’m not entirely sure that this might be an age-related thing or just my canny ability to trip over my own feet or as I said to my daughter “my foot forgot to foot!”
Anyway, I have decided to protect my body with gym gloves, elbow, and knee support sleeves. That way if I trip again, I will be less likely to be grazed. It’ll add a little bit of time and effort in gearing up for a run, but hopefully will make a difference.
Older people never stop running, they just wear protective armour!! 😂