be wary of people who hate animals…

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I’m always wary of folk that hate animals!

I dated a guy one time who hated animals (I know, right?!? what was I thinking?) He was an overall creep as well! Took a minute to figure it out, but I did.

He used to mock me for having a dog. Literally, he actually said “what 50 year old gets a dog?” Saying I was “pathetic.”

The thing is I have had dogs and cats my whole life since childhood. The one he was referring to I got when I was 52, my other dog was getting a bit old and I felt having a puppy would cheer her up, which it did (eventually!) My older dog passed a few years later and I swear having a younger dog around gave her more energy and pep!

Being with someone who despised animals was horrible. It was an experience that taught me more about human nature than I ever wanted to know.

I’m an animal lover. My dog isn’t just a pet; they’re family. They greet me with wagging tails and endless affection after a long day, offering unconditional love and companionship. So when I started dating this guy, I was excited to introduce him to my furry friend. Little did I know, that introduction would reveal more about him than any conversation ever could.

At first, he seemed indifferent about my dog. I brushed it off, thinking maybe he just wasn’t used to animals. But then the mocking started. He’d make snide remarks about how “pathetic” it was to be so attached to a dog. He’d laugh at the idea of someone finding comfort and joy in an animal’s company, saying it was “childish” and “ridiculous.”

His cruelty didn’t stop there. He’d deliberately antagonize my dog, teasing them in ways that were anything but playful. The more I saw this side of him, the more unsettled I became. His actions weren’t just a sign of disliking animals; they were a window into his twisted, cruel nature.

It wasn’t just about him not liking dogs—it was about the complete lack of empathy and compassion he showed. How could someone be so cold and heartless to a creature that only wanted to give love? The more time I spent with him, the more I realized he was a creep in every sense of the word. His disdain for animals mirrored a broader disdain for kindness and decency.

I’m so grateful to no longer have this excuse for a human in my life. Looking back, I can see how his attitude towards my dog was a massive red flag—a warning of the nastiness that lurked beneath the surface.

Here’s the thing: Animals bring out our softer sides. They remind us of the importance of care, love, and responsibility. If someone can’t appreciate that, if they respond with cruelty instead of kindness, it says a lot about who they are as a person.

So, here’s my advice: Never trust a person who hates animals. If they can’t show empathy for a creature that only wants to love and be loved, how can they possibly show it to another human being? Surround yourself with people who share your love and compassion for all living beings—it’s one of the best ways to ensure that you’re with someone who truly has a good heart.

As for me, I’m happy to have my dog by my side, a loyal companion who, unlike that guy, knows the true meaning of unconditional love

My now older dog is 13 and yesterday I rescued a pup to keep him company in his twilight years.

My new pup is 7 months old and she is gorgeous – look at those eyes!

picture of a black toy poodle

Her owner rejected her as she’d been bought to be a “show dog.” However, the pup has a little white fur on her chest and a tiny (genetic) kink in her tail, so she was disqualified at her first show.

That meant the owner didn’t want her anymore😢

This pup now has a warm and loving home with me! Her imperfections are cute as far as I’m concerned and she has settled beautifully into my home.

Even better, my current partner loves dogs and cats and is delighted with my little menagerie!💗


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We all have our battles: a Journey of Resilience and Connection…

By Posted on 0 4 m read

I was chatting before class with one of my trainers at the gym. She was checking in with how I am travelling after my hectic health issues last year😊

I told her that the breast cancer is in remission; the non-Hodgkins Lymphoma is still “watch & wait” with 6 monthly check-ups; the Lymphocytic Colitis is mostly under control and I have my Cochlear implant in my left ear so hearing is awesome!

So this year is pretty good really.

She confided that she is feeling a bit unmotivated with life at the moment, but feels that when she hears about my journey that she has nothing really to worry about.

I told her that we all have our own things to deal with and to not feel that hers are any less valid. They are absolutely real for her and there are times we all feel unmotivated with life.

Life, in all its complexity, is a series of battles. Some days, the sun shines bright, and the path ahead seems clear. On others, the road is shrouded in darkness, and every step feels like an uphill climb.

Whether it’s relationship troubles, health issues, or the general malaise that sometimes settles in our souls, we all face challenges that test our strength and resolve.

But here’s the thing: it’s okay to struggle. It’s okay to feel lost, tired, or overwhelmed.

The important part is that we keep moving forward, even if it’s just one small step at a time.

I’ve come to understand that life isn’t about avoiding difficulties—it’s about how we respond to them. It’s about resilience, that quiet, persistent strength that keeps us going even when the odds seem stacked against us.

And while it’s essential to draw from our inner reserves, we also need to recognize the power of connection, of leaning on others when our strength wanes.

Lifting Each Other Up

No one is an island. We weren’t meant to walk this journey alone. Yet, how often do we hesitate to reach out, to ask for help, or to simply share what’s weighing on our hearts? We worry about being a burden, about showing vulnerability, about not having it all together.

But here’s the truth: we all have our moments of doubt and despair. When we share these moments with others, we often find that we are not alone in our struggles. Our friends, family, and even those who might just be passing through our lives for a brief time—they’ve been there too.

And in that shared understanding, we can find comfort and strength. There’s a profound power in lifting each other up. A kind word, a listening ear, a simple “I’m here for you”—these small gestures can make a world of difference. They remind us that we don’t have to carry our burdens alone.

Being Our Authentic Selves

Authenticity is one of the greatest gifts we can give to ourselves and to others. In a world that often pushes us to present a curated, polished version of our lives, being real can feel risky.

But it’s through authenticity that true connections are made. When we allow ourselves to be seen—flaws, scars, and all—we create space for others to do the same.

We open the door to deeper relationships, where we can support each other not just in our successes, but in our struggles too. Being authentic isn’t about oversharing or laying bare every detail of our lives; it’s about being true to who we are.

It’s about acknowledging our battles and facing them head-on, with the understanding that it’s okay not to have all the answers.

Checking In with Each Other

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to lose sight of the people around us. We get caught up in our routines, our to-do lists, our own worries. But it’s so important to take a moment to check in with those we care about.

A simple, “How are you, really?” can open the door to meaningful conversation and connection. It shows that we care, that we’re paying attention, that we’re here to support each other.

Sometimes, that check-in is all it takes to remind someone that they’re not alone in their battle.

Life is a journey filled with highs and lows, with triumphs and trials. We all have our battles, but we don’t have to face them alone.

By lifting each other up, being our authentic selves, and checking in with one another, we can create a community of support and love—a place where we can all find the strength to keep moving forward, one step at a time.

Let’s be there for each other. Let’s face our battles with courage and compassion. And let’s never forget the power of connection in this beautiful, messy journey called life.

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