60plus and loving life

Wear what you want to wear!

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Seriously! Wear what makes you happy!

Story time:

I had a partner once who hated when women wore black. He said it was a “nothing” colour and looked terrible on women and that he did not want to see me wearing black. Well ok then, not sure that anyone particularly cared for his fashion statement.

Oh well, my LBD (little black dress) then spent a few years in the back of the wardrobe!

I did realize that this was a little controlling, however I felt it worth a minor wardrobe change for the sake of the relationship. Although, I never told him what he could or could not wear!

Anyway, a little history on the LBD “The little black dress is iconic. When it first entered the style consciousness in 1926 it democratized fashion. It’s short length and simplicity meant that any woman could afford to be chic.” Read more about the evolution of the LBD here.

Audrey Hepburn made the LBD the most iconic and elegant fashion statement with her Givenchy LBD in the film Breakfast at Tiffany’s. More on that can be found here.

Audrey Hepburn LBD

This is Audrey in her fabulous LBD! I defy anyone to say she does not look chic, elegant and beautiful…

So my lovely friends. Do. Not. Let. Anyone. Tell. You. What. To. Wear! Ever!

It’s controlling and also kinda ridiculous.

Here’s a pic of me in one of my dance ensembles…. I think I look cute and I got massive amounts of compliments at dance classes!

woman in black dance ensemble

Be yourself always!







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