60plus and loving life

Nature as medicine

It’s beautiful Spring weather in my part of the world. Finally! After a very soggy and rainy winter we are seeing some sunny days. It seemed the perfect time to head out into nature over the weekend and visit one of our national parks. It’s wildflower season and there are beautiful blooms out there. I love the native flowers the most. However, we have a tulip festival in our town at this time of year and the tulips were glorious in all their colours!
tulips flowers

I’ve long believed that taking time out of the city and getting into nature is great for my emotional wellbeing and I’ve recently read research that supports my thoughts. Every time I have the chance to have a weekend in the countryside, I feel a sense of peace and tranquility as soon as I leave behind the suburbs and drive alongside country roads surrounded by trees. The stresses of life seem to melt away tree-by-tree. This is partly by being in nature and partly because being away from work and other stressors, there is this sense that you must let go, at least for a while.

Back to reality now, but not too soon. It’s a long weekend here, so I have the day free. I decided to go for a 10k run this morning. I usually run around 5-6k, but I’m nearing the end of a running challenge for September, called The Long Run, a fundraiser for prostate cancer.

I’m in a bit of a competition with a couple of my workmates and as much as I love younger people, they think it’s a done deal that one or other of them will have the most kilometres by the end of the month. I’d slipped a bit in my km’s last week as I had acute bronchitis and pharyngitis.

Feeling all better, I tied up my running shoes this morning and off I went. Only to come a cropper at the 4.5k mark. Tripped (no idea on what or if it’s just my own feet getting in the way) ? I landed on my hands, elbows and one knee. Ripped a hole in the knee of my favourite running tights and scraped myself up a bit! I figured I was close to the 5k turnaround and unless I called a rideshare to get me home, I may as well trot along and finish the 10k.

I’ll be feeling it tomorrow!!

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