I’ve long believed that taking time out of the city and getting into nature is great for my emotional wellbeing and I’ve recently read research that supports my thoughts. Every time I have the chance to have a weekend in the countryside, I feel a sense of peace and tranquility as soon as I leave behind the suburbs and drive alongside country roads surrounded by trees. The stresses of life seem to melt away tree-by-tree. This is partly by being in nature and partly because being away from work and other stressors, there is this sense that you must let go, at least for a while.
Back to reality now, but not too soon. It’s a long weekend here, so I have the day free. I decided to go for a 10k run this morning. I usually run around 5-6k, but I’m nearing the end of a running challenge for September, called The Long Run, a fundraiser for prostate cancer.
I’m in a bit of a competition with a couple of my workmates and as much as I love younger people, they think it’s a done deal that one or other of them will have the most kilometres by the end of the month. I’d slipped a bit in my km’s last week as I had acute bronchitis and pharyngitis.
Feeling all better, I tied up my running shoes this morning and off I went. Only to come a cropper at the 4.5k mark. Tripped (no idea on what or if it’s just my own feet getting in the way) ? I landed on my hands, elbows and one knee. Ripped a hole in the knee of my favourite running tights and scraped myself up a bit! I figured I was close to the 5k turnaround and unless I called a rideshare to get me home, I may as well trot along and finish the 10k.
I’ll be feeling it tomorrow!!
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