60plus and loving life


When you reach a crossroad in your life, what do you do to move forward and nurture yourself?

For me that is self-care, writing this blog, going to the gym, running outdoors and staying connected with family and friends. Oh and dancing, always dancing!

Taking the time to pause, reflect and think about the best way forward. Again, for me, that means eating well (aka healthily), re-committing to my exercise regimen and going out and having fun.

I am fortunate that I have good friends, I can draw them around me like a cloak of warmth and love.

My daughter is my best friend and closest ally. We have always had a close and loving relationship. We are each other’s cheer squad. We also understand each other’s low times.

My sister is always there, every single day. Even though she lives over 3,000km away. We message and chat every day. She checks in with me and I with her.

I value good health and fitness, they are my life and they allow me to live my life in the best way possible.

The thing that I do not value is toxic people, unfortunately they can enter one’s life when you let your guard down. Often in the guise of superficial charm. However, if you allow toxicity in, you will find in time that the cracks show and the poison seeps out, sometimes so slowly that you don’t realize that you have been covered in a miasma of unhealthy behaviours. You will catch glimpses, but you may rationalize them away, easier than admitting you have made a mistake.

It is often only when you step out of that connection that you can fully reflect upon all the damaging patterns that recurred like an endless groundhog day.

But when you do step away, pick up your strength and remember who you are. Firmly put one foot in front of the other and move in a healthier and happier direction. Forwards, always forwards. Don’t look back. There is nothing to see in the rear view mirror.

Life can be beautiful and it can be cruel. I choose to focus on the beautiful. Nature, friendship, family, my dog, love and kindness, respect and warmth. Trust me, it is there!

a little pic of Georgie-boy running in the park…




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