60plus and loving life

Reflections on boxing for seniors…

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My daughter convinced me to take up boxing!

About a year or so ago my daughter wanted to take up boxing as a sport and for additional exercise. She can be a little shy in new situations (she gets that from me, although I’m way less shy these days! Benefits of getting older! 😂) So she asked if I’d come along to a boxing gym near my place (she lives across town, so nice to be closer to mine).

It was a women’s boxing class and the first session was pretty intense. Skipping, short sprints and more skipping to warm up and get the heart rate up. Then drills in basic boxing techniques. Jab, cross, hook and upper cut, boxing stance and correct footwork (although that is still a work in progress for me!). At the end of the class is a short strength and conditioning session with weights and then usually finishing with a plank or other abdominal strengthening exercise.

Now you might think it odd that I am happy to pick up a new sport in my 60s and that is where you’d be wrong. I love trying new things and I have found I really enjoy boxing. It’s a great cardiovascular workout, you need to have great coordination and balance skills and if not, they certainly will improve!

After I started I did a little research on the benefits of boxing and found that it is recommended for older people, not just the young. It really is a great overall workout, good for your mind health as well. Research shows that heart health is linked to good mental health outcomes and boxing keeps your mind active too.

As with anything, check with your medical and/or health practitioner to determine if picking up a new exercise regimen will benefit your health.

My daughter has now joined another gym closer to her home and has regular boxing & sparring and strength and conditioning training, she’s no longer too shy to put on her gear and head to her gym, it’s a great sense of community and everyone at boxing (at her gym and our original gym) are super friendly and helpful. The coaches are fantastic and the workout is intense and fun!

She still comes along to our original gym with me for our weekly boxing session, followed by dinner and a catch up at my place.

The photo at the top of this post was taken by my daughter right after a training session, I edited the photo to just keep the reflection of myself in the mirror. I think it’s a great shot and captures the vibe of boxing perfectly!

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