60plus and loving life

Muscle tone as you get older…

The importance of muscle tone for older folk!

I wasn’t sure whether to categorize this under health & fitness or musings on ageing… it’s kinda both

I was at the pool today soaking up some sun and contemplating a swim and listening to one of my favourite health podcasts. They were talking about the importance of muscle tone for people as they get older, citing research that shows that muscle-mass decreases over the age of 30. They then went on to talk about what one can do in one’s 30s, 40s and 50s to keep and improve muscle tone.

And here’s me invisible and 64! I mean, they didn’t have to include discussion of us older ones, but it’s like there was a cut-off point in the conversation. They didn’t say “those over 50”. It was very much up to and in your 50s. Perhaps they think it’s too late for us! 😂

Part of the conversation was about women being concerned about becoming too “bulky” or being too “muscly” and thus frightened of weight/strength training. I guess that is still a thing for some women, but not for me and I would encourage every woman to consider some form of strength training. Having strong muscles means I can have an active, hectic and fun life! It means my lower back is fine as I have a strong core and abdominal muscles. Heck, my lower back is better in my 60s than it was in my 30s when I only swam for exercise.

Once I hit 40, I included regular weight and strength training every week (in addition to my cardio/running) and I can tell you that I certainly have not bulked up (not that there is anything wrong with that if someone is keen to gain more muscle mass). I am strong and I am toned. I am fit and I can run, jump, swim, cycle, dance, lift weights and sleep!

I also throw in a balance class each week, that is a mixture of yoga, pilates and balance exercises. It’s important to stay stretchy, flexible and balanced on your feet the older you get.

Podcast over, time to jump in the pool for my 20 laps! 🏊‍♀️

set up for my pump class…


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