60plus and loving life

Goin’ for a walk!

We were enjoying the sunshine and my dog was scampering around joyously. There were a few lads playing cricket with a makeshift pitch and a tennis ball. A couple of them smiled and waved and I did likewise.

There was another fellow going for a slow jog around the perimeter of the park. Good for him! Nice to be out getting some exercise.

We all minding our business, best way to be. My dog stops to poop as dogs do and I was standing next to him with a bright yellow doggie poop baggie, ready to scoop and drop it in a nearby bin.

Jogger jogs past, glares at me and says “that really pisses me off” and then on he jogs.

So. Ok. I get not everyone likes dogs (except look at this face, how could you not love him?) 

However, the park is a public space and shared by joggers, dog walkers, kids and people setting up temporary sports.

He then jogged on out of the park and we continued to enjoy the sunshine and scenery.


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