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Tag Archives loving kindness

Life Is Too Short: Living this to the fullest

You’ve probably heard the phrase “life is too short” more times than you can count. It’s a staple of motivational quotes, often tossed around during moments of reflection or after someone has an epiphany about their priorities. Yet, how many of us actually live by this simple but profound wisdom?

For me, “life is too short” isn’t just a catchphrase—it’s a guiding principle. I genuinely believe that our time here is finite and precious, and I have no capacity for negativity, meanness, or cruelty.

Yes, I have my down days like everyone else, but I refuse to be at war with my own mind. Instead, I choose to focus on what makes life beautiful and meaningful.

Embracing Positivity

One of the key ways I live by this adage is through meditation. Meditation helps me find peace amidst the chaos of daily life. It grounds me, allowing me to let go of negativity and refocus on what truly matters.

When you meditate, you learn to observe your thoughts without judgment, which makes it easier to release the negative and embrace the positive.

Surrounding Myself with Kindness

I also make a conscious effort to surround myself with kind, positive people. Kindness is contagious; when you surround yourself with it, you can’t help but absorb some of that goodness.

These people lift me up, inspire me, and remind me of the beauty in the world. They are my support system, and I try to be the same for them.

Making Others Feel Good

Another way I embody “life is too short” is by striving to make others feel good about themselves. Whether it’s through a compliment, a helping hand, or just being a good listener, I try to spread positivity.

In my small way, I aim to make the world just a little bit nicer. It’s amazing how much a simple act of kindness can brighten someone’s day.

Ignoring the Negativity

Of course, life isn’t free from negativity. There are always gossips, drama llamas, and whirling dervishes of negativity trying to pull you down. My approach? Pay them no heed. I maintain my dignity and hold my head high.

Engaging with negativity only drags you down to its level. Instead, I choose to rise above it, focusing on the positive and refusing to let the negativity of others dictate my mood or actions.

Living with Integrity

Maintaining your dignity and integrity in the face of negativity is crucial. It’s not always easy, but it’s always worth it.

By holding your head high and staying true to your values, you demonstrate strength and resilience.

You show that you’re not willing to compromise your peace of mind for the sake of others’ drama.

You’ve Got This!

Living by the adage “life is too short” means making a deliberate choice to focus on the good, embrace kindness, and reject negativity.

It’s about understanding that our time here is limited and making the most of it by filling our lives with joy and positivity.

So, the next time you find yourself surrounded by negativity or facing a down day, remember: life is too short to be anything but calm & content.

Meditate, surround yourself with good people, spread kindness, and hold your head high. You’ve got this!

Let’s make the world a little brighter, one positive action at a time.


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Dancing with Resilience: A Message of Hope for Those Overcoming Trauma

In the vast ocean of life, many of us find ourselves navigating tumultuous waves, facing the challenges of trauma that threaten to pull us under.

Today, I want to share a message of hope, inspired by the profound wisdom that lies in the saying, “Dance with the waves, move with the sea, let the rhythm of the water set your soul free.”

I want to dedicate this post to the beautiful souls who have triumphed over trauma and to those who are still entangled in the nets of pain. Many of you have reached out to me and I hear you and I am here for you. Take care and be gentle with yourself, you deserve loving kindness.

There is a promise of light at the end of the tunnel, and I wish you kindness, love, blessings, and, above all else, peace.

The Ocean of Life

Life, much like the vast expanse of the ocean, is filled with highs and lows, calm moments, and stormy seas.

For those who have experienced trauma, it often feels like being caught in a tempest that threatens to drown us. Yet, within the chaos, there lies an inherent rhythm—a rhythm that, when embraced, can lead us to liberation.

Dancing with the Waves

“Dance with the waves.” It’s an invitation to engage with life’s challenges, not as adversaries, but as partners in a cosmic dance.

When we learn to move with the ebb and flow of our experiences, acknowledging the pain without letting it define us, we discover an inner resilience that allows us to ride the waves with grace.

Moving with the Sea

“Move with the sea.” It’s a call to surrender to the currents of life, recognizing that resistance often intensifies the struggle.

By moving with the sea, we release the need for control, allowing the natural forces to guide us. In doing so, we find a sense of acceptance that becomes the foundation for healing.

Let the Rhythm Set Your Soul Free

“Let the rhythm of the water set your soul free.” In the dance of life, there’s a rhythm that transcends the chaos—a rhythm that, when embraced, leads to freedom.

It’s a freedom born from the understanding that, despite the pain, our souls have an innate ability to heal and rediscover joy.

For the Beautiful Souls

This message is for the beautiful souls who have experienced trauma and have emerged as resilient warriors.

Your strength is an inspiration, and your journey is a testament to the transformative power of the human spirit.

Your scars tell a story of survival, and your light shines as a beacon of hope for others navigating stormy seas.

A Promise of Light

To those who are still caught in the nets of pain, I want to offer a promise: there is light at the end of the tunnel.

The storms may rage, but they do not last forever. Your capacity to endure is greater than you realize, and as you dance with the waves, you’ll discover an inner strength that guides you towards the serenity you deserve.

Wishing You Peace

I wish you all kindness, love, blessings, and, above all else, peace.

May the dance of life lead you to a place of healing, and may the rhythm of your soul set you free from the depths of pain.

You are not alone, and there is a community of support ready to embrace you as you navigate the seas of life.

So, my beautiful souls, dance with resilience, move with acceptance, and let the rhythm of healing waters set your soul free. The journey may be challenging, but there is a symphony of hope playing just beyond the waves. Embrace it, and may your life be filled with the harmonious melodies of peace and recovery.



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Embracing Reflection and Kindness as We Step Into a New Year

As we stand on the threshold of a new year, it’s only natural to find ourselves in a reflective state, contemplating the journey we’ve traveled in the past twelve months. The highs and lows, the moments of triumph and the challenges overcome – each episode contributing to the rich tapestry of our lives.

This is a time for introspection, a time to look back at the person we were and consider how every experience has shaped us, molding us into a better version of ourselves.

Reflecting on the past year, I find myself acknowledging the highs with gratitude and approaching the lows with a newfound resilience.

Life, after all, is a series of lessons, and each triumph or stumble is an opportunity for growth. It’s through these experiences that we discover our strengths, understand our weaknesses, and emerge wiser and more compassionate.

As I bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, I am reminded of the incredible blessings that surround me. I am loved, not just by those close to me but by life itself, which presents opportunities for growth and connection in the most unexpected ways.

My beautiful family and friends, the anchors of my life, have been my unwavering support, sharing in the laughter and wiping away tears when needed.

Waking up each day with gratitude in my heart has become a ritual, a conscious choice to appreciate the simple joys that often go unnoticed. It’s about finding beauty in the mundane and recognizing that life’s true treasures lie in the relationships we nurture and the moments we share.

As I step into the new year, I carry with me the essence of loving kindness. It’s a mindset that extends beyond personal reflection, encouraging us to approach the world with empathy and compassion.

In a world where chaos can often overshadow goodness, choosing kindness becomes a revolutionary act. It’s a reminder that, despite our differences, we are all connected by our shared humanity.

In the coming year, let us strive to be a source of light and positivity for ourselves and others. Kindness is a currency that knows no bounds – it costs nothing, yet its impact is immeasurable.

A simple gesture, a kind word, or a thoughtful act has the power to brighten someone’s day and create a ripple effect of positivity.

So, here’s to the new year – a blank canvas awaiting the strokes of our experiences, lessons, and moments of kindness. May we embrace the opportunity to let go of the past, to forgive ourselves and others, and to look forward with a heart full of loving kindness.

Wishing each and every one of you a wonderful and happy 2024. May it be a year filled with growth, joy, and an abundance of kindness.


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