60plus and loving life

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life is good, loving life & all that it brings!

Here we are almost half way through the year! Woooo, time surely does fly!

For me, this has been a great year and I am sure it will continue to be fabulous.

Last year was a bit of a dumpster fire healthwise and slowed me down a tad. But not entirely, I still kept up my dancing and gym and running in amongst it all. I think all of those things kept me going both physically and for my emotional wellbeing.

I also surround myself with the best people. My friends and family (most notably my daughter) and my partner are the most supportive and beautiful humans you could ever wish to have in your life.

I finally learned to keep my boundaries strong and to recognise early on any toxic, negative people and to either keep them at a distance or gently remove them from my life.

I don’t do drama. I do not welcome aggressive or negative people in my life. They are welcome to be whoever they wish to be – but at a nice, healthy distance from me!

My partner is an absolute delight. He is gentle and warmhearted, kind, smart, unique, funny and adorable!

We have a lot in common and he is also my dance partner. He loves my dog and cat and that to me, is also the measure of a good man.

cat on a wall climber

My dance friends are wonderful. Their energy and enthusiasm buoy me up whenever I am in their company. You cannot feel sad when you are on the dance floor! My dance teachers are also wonderful people – they are warm and welcoming.

They are supporting a lovely couple who joined relatively recently, picked up the moves quickly and recently won a couple of National titles. This couple are aiming for the world titles and our dance teachers are running a fundraising dance for them with full support from everyone in our community so we can send them across the country to compete! We all love Brooke & Pete – they are the loveliest couple you could ever wish to meet and we will all be wishing them the very best at the World Championship!

My gym buddies and trainers are likewise awesome people. They continually give me courage and strength to keep going and to aim for my strength and fitness goals. It is very much a community of likeminded people and we are welcoming of all newcomers and supportive of everyone, regardless of where they are at in their fitness & strength journey.

I retired early this year and it is the best decision and I wish I had done it earlier. I am loving living my life at my own, gentler pace. I am quite busy, but I have time and can make time to look after my wellbeing and take the occasional nap whenever I feel like it!

Apart from dancing, running & the gym. I am volunteering with my dog (George the Therapy Dog) doing one-off visits. I also volunteer with a cat rescue organisation and drive kittens and abandoned cats to carers and foster homes. I have also been volunteering with a refugee organisation. Basically, I am almost more busy than I was when working. However, it’s a type of busy that I enjoy and I have fun doing.

George the Therapy Dog

I occasionally work at my friend’s gym – on an ad-hoc basis. Usually, when she has other commitments and I can step in – again, only when it fits in with my life and my commitments.

All up, life is really good and I am happy and content. You really can’t ask for much more from life! 


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Embracing Reflection and Kindness as We Step Into a New Year

As we stand on the threshold of a new year, it’s only natural to find ourselves in a reflective state, contemplating the journey we’ve traveled in the past twelve months. The highs and lows, the moments of triumph and the challenges overcome – each episode contributing to the rich tapestry of our lives.

This is a time for introspection, a time to look back at the person we were and consider how every experience has shaped us, molding us into a better version of ourselves.

Reflecting on the past year, I find myself acknowledging the highs with gratitude and approaching the lows with a newfound resilience.

Life, after all, is a series of lessons, and each triumph or stumble is an opportunity for growth. It’s through these experiences that we discover our strengths, understand our weaknesses, and emerge wiser and more compassionate.

As I bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, I am reminded of the incredible blessings that surround me. I am loved, not just by those close to me but by life itself, which presents opportunities for growth and connection in the most unexpected ways.

My beautiful family and friends, the anchors of my life, have been my unwavering support, sharing in the laughter and wiping away tears when needed.

Waking up each day with gratitude in my heart has become a ritual, a conscious choice to appreciate the simple joys that often go unnoticed. It’s about finding beauty in the mundane and recognizing that life’s true treasures lie in the relationships we nurture and the moments we share.

As I step into the new year, I carry with me the essence of loving kindness. It’s a mindset that extends beyond personal reflection, encouraging us to approach the world with empathy and compassion.

In a world where chaos can often overshadow goodness, choosing kindness becomes a revolutionary act. It’s a reminder that, despite our differences, we are all connected by our shared humanity.

In the coming year, let us strive to be a source of light and positivity for ourselves and others. Kindness is a currency that knows no bounds – it costs nothing, yet its impact is immeasurable.

A simple gesture, a kind word, or a thoughtful act has the power to brighten someone’s day and create a ripple effect of positivity.

So, here’s to the new year – a blank canvas awaiting the strokes of our experiences, lessons, and moments of kindness. May we embrace the opportunity to let go of the past, to forgive ourselves and others, and to look forward with a heart full of loving kindness.

Wishing each and every one of you a wonderful and happy 2024. May it be a year filled with growth, joy, and an abundance of kindness.


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Dancing in Love: Breaking Free from Walking on Eggshells

Love, they say, is like dancing to your favorite song, where every step feels harmonious and free. It’s a rhythm that resonates deep within, igniting joy, warmth, and a sense of security.

But sometimes, we find ourselves in relationships where the dance turns into a delicate balancing act—a constant tiptoeing on eggshells to keep the peace.

I’ve walked that tightrope before, where every word and action had to be carefully measured to avoid setting off an unpredictable storm of anger and retribution. It was a relationship that left me feeling trapped, unheard, and unloved.

In one of my previous relationships, I often felt like a prisoner of my own emotions. I had to suppress my thoughts and feelings, fearing the repercussions of expressing myself honestly.

Walking on eggshells became the norm, and the weight of that constant vigilance left me emotionally drained and disconnected.

No one should ever have to feel they have to walk on eggshells in a relationship. Love should be a sanctuary, a place where you can be your authentic self without fear of judgment or punishment. It should inspire growth, trust, and open communication.

It is possible to find love that embraces vulnerability, where we can share our hopes, dreams, fears, and insecurities without judgment or reprisal. It’s a love that encourages us to be the best versions of ourselves.

Love is not about being controlled or manipulated. It’s about lifting each other up, celebrating our individuality, and nurturing a connection based on respect, trust, and genuine care. It’s about feeling safe to express ourselves and knowing that our partner will genuinely listen to and support us.

I’ve learned that a loving relationship should never be about keeping the peace at the cost of one’s own happiness. It should be about fostering an environment where both partners can flourish, express themselves freely, and feel loved unconditionally.

Now, I dance through life with a heart full of joy and gratitude. There are no eggshells to tiptoe around, no fear of anger or retribution.

If you find yourself in a relationship where you feel the need to walk on eggshells, I want you to know that you deserve better. You have the right to seek a love that inspires dancing, not caution. Genuine love is out there, waiting for you to embrace it—a love that respects, cherishes, and celebrates the beautiful person you are.


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The Love That Inspires: My Daughter and the Blessings of Life!

Life is a beautiful tapestry woven with the threads of love, and I’ve been blessed with more love and support than I could have ever imagined.

Today, I want to share with you the heartwarming story of how my daughter encouraged me to start this blog, the joy of having her in my life and the loving bond we share.

A Daughter’s Encouragement

It all began with my daughter, my shining star, and my biggest cheerleader. Her unwavering belief in me and her encouragement to share my thoughts and experiences through a blog was the catalyst for this journey. She saw something in me that I hadn’t fully embraced—the passion for writing and the desire to connect with others through words.

Her pride in me was the motivation I needed to take the plunge. Every step I took, every word I wrote, was infused with the love and support she showered upon me. And the most beautiful part? She reads every single post, offering her feedback, her encouragement, and her love. I couldn’t ask for a more wonderful daughter.

A Bond Beyond Words

Our mother-daughter relationship is a treasure I hold close to my heart. We’ve laughed together, cried together, and celebrated each other’s victories and challenges. We’ve grown together, and through it all, our bond has only deepened.

My daughter’s achievements fill me with immense pride. She’s an extraordinary young woman, filled with ambition, kindness, and a heart that overflows with love. Watching her flourish into the incredible person she is today is a privilege I cherish daily.

Life’s Glorious Blessings

Reflecting on my journey, I can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude. I am fortunate beyond measure, surrounded by love from my remarkable daughter, my dear friends, my dance community, and a community of readers who have embraced my blog.

Life is indeed glorious. It’s about embracing the love that surrounds you, cherishing the moments that take your breath away, and finding joy in the simplest of things. It’s about having a daughter who is not only proud of her mother but is also a constant source of inspiration. It’s about discovering a love that fills your heart to the brim and knowing that you are cherished.

I am so very fortunate, so very loved, and my heart is full. Life’s blessings are a reminder that even in the midst of challenges, love has the power to transform our world into something truly beautiful.

image credit:AI

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Love & Intimacy

Spoiler alert and warning. This post is about sex. There, you’ve been warned. Read on if you want, scroll by if you don’t.

Have you ever felt that your sexual needs are not being met? That your partner (or ex-partner in my case!) is prioritising their own needs over yours? That you are left lying there every time thinking “what about me?” This can happen to any of us, young or older! But it doesn’t have to be like that, trust me, it really does not!

Conversely, what is it like to meet someone with whom you are so sexually attuned that the lovemaking feels exquisite and deeply & mutually pleasurable? What is it like to be with a man who genuinely values your sexual needs and desires and who gains pleasure from your pleasure? It’s mind-blowing. Read on for two completely different experiences – these are my stories, this has happened to me. You may resonate with one or the other or both. I hope the second story is also your story – you deserve to be loved and valued!

Storytime #1 (this is the sad & bad one):

I had a partner one time (who shall remain nameless, mostly because mentioning his name makes me feel physically and psychically ill). He was THE most sexually selfish man I ever had the misfortune to meet (in retrospect all I can say is “what in the actual was I thinking?” Whilst shaking my head in puzzlement.)

Not only was he unbelievably & utterly selfish, he also used to mock and belittle me when I dared to ask if we could focus on my sexual pleasure, making me feel like there was something wrong with me for asking, the disdain in his voice was demoralizing. His standard response was a cold and callous “do it yourself.”

His favourite position was to brusquely push me over on my side with my back towards him. He literally preferred not to see my face. He also (I kid you not) told me to pretend I was asleep – aka unconscious). He literally did not want me to be engaged in the activity. This is repulsive on so many levels.

I had never in my entire life come across such a selfish, weird, and verging on creepy request. Think about it, “pretend you are asleep”. Do not move, do not make a noise, act like you are not even there. What kind of man thinks that is ok? It is dehumanizing.

Basically, I was not required to be part of things as a living, breathing woman. I could have been anyone or anything.

It all ended badly as these types of one-sided relationships do. Looking back I cannot believe I did not bail at the get-go!

Someone who discounts your humanity in the most intimate and (supposedly) loving of moments is not someone you should keep in your life. Yet pity the poor woman next in line. Because it is a never-ending line of interchangeable women with these types of selfish men.

Let’s move on shall we? This next part is to let you know that it is possible to find someone who is genuine, compassionate, caring, loving and considerate. Never give up and never put up with poor treatment! I have had great lovers too!

Storytime #2  Embracing Bliss: The Empowering Joys of Intimacy with a Caring and Loving Partner

As a woman, the journey of discovering pleasure and intimacy is a deeply personal and empowering experience. I speak from my personal perspective, however I believe that men equally are empowered by such discovery. I have had a partner who was not only loving but also considerate of my needs as I was considerate of his. This has opened the door to a world of exquisite joy and fulfillment. I want to share the joys I have experienced as a woman, embracing the profound connection and empowerment that comes with having sex with a caring and loving partner who cherishes and respects my desires.

A Safe Haven of Trust and Understanding:

Intimacy is a sacred space, it is a safe haven of trust and understanding. Having both our needs acknowledged and respected has built a foundation of trust between us, allowing both of us to surrender to the moment with ease and vulnerability. Knowing that my partner prioritizes my comfort, consent, and pleasure creates an environment where we can freely express ourselves, both physically and emotionally.

Open Communication – The Key to Mind-Blowing Pleasure:

Open communication between partners is the key to unlocking mind-blowing pleasure. Having a caring and loving partner who actively listens to my desires, ensuring that my needs are met is an absolute joy. He has the capacity to communicate his own desires as well, which fosters an environment where exploration and experimentation are welcomed. This level of open communication has not only enhanced our physical pleasure, but it has also strengthened the emotional bond between us.

Exploring the Spectrum of Sensations:

Having a caring partner who understands that our pleasure encompasses a wide spectrum of sensations is absolutely glorious! We both take the time to explore each other’s bodies, finding the touch, caress, or kiss that ignites an electrifying response and oh my goodness, does it ever!

An Intimate Connection Beyond the Physical:

The intimacy shared with a caring and loving partner extends far beyond the physicality of it all. The tender moments that follow, basking in the afterglow, are a testament to the emotional connection we have nurtured with each other. It is during this time that we share whispered words, gentle caresses, and nurturing embraces, strengthening the bond we share. This then becomes a sanctuary of love, tenderness, and emotional intimacy, a place of care, a safe haven.

Self-Discovery and Empowerment:

Through the loving and considerate touch we offer each other, we have embarked on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. This newfound sense of agency extends beyond the bedroom, empowering both of us in all aspects of life. It reminds us that our pleasure matters, and we are deserving of love, respect, and fulfillment. Because we are and so are you!

As a woman, experiencing the joys of intimacy with a caring and loving partner who is considerate of my needs has been a transformative and empowering journey. It has taught me the value of trust, open communication, and self-discovery. It has allowed me to embrace my sensuality, celebrate my body, and find empowerment in expressing my desires.

May we all find partners who cherish, respect, and elevate our experiences, unlocking the boundless joy and fulfillment that lie within the realm of a truly caring and loving connection.

red love heart_love & intimacy is something we all need


main image:aycanengin

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