60plus and loving life

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life is good, loving life & all that it brings!

Here we are almost half way through the year! Woooo, time surely does fly!

For me, this has been a great year and I am sure it will continue to be fabulous.

Last year was a bit of a dumpster fire healthwise and slowed me down a tad. But not entirely, I still kept up my dancing and gym and running in amongst it all. I think all of those things kept me going both physically and for my emotional wellbeing.

I also surround myself with the best people. My friends and family (most notably my daughter) and my partner are the most supportive and beautiful humans you could ever wish to have in your life.

I finally learned to keep my boundaries strong and to recognise early on any toxic, negative people and to either keep them at a distance or gently remove them from my life.

I don’t do drama. I do not welcome aggressive or negative people in my life. They are welcome to be whoever they wish to be – but at a nice, healthy distance from me!

My partner is an absolute delight. He is gentle and warmhearted, kind, smart, unique, funny and adorable!

We have a lot in common and he is also my dance partner. He loves my dog and cat and that to me, is also the measure of a good man.

cat on a wall climber

My dance friends are wonderful. Their energy and enthusiasm buoy me up whenever I am in their company. You cannot feel sad when you are on the dance floor! My dance teachers are also wonderful people – they are warm and welcoming.

They are supporting a lovely couple who joined relatively recently, picked up the moves quickly and recently won a couple of National titles. This couple are aiming for the world titles and our dance teachers are running a fundraising dance for them with full support from everyone in our community so we can send them across the country to compete! We all love Brooke & Pete – they are the loveliest couple you could ever wish to meet and we will all be wishing them the very best at the World Championship!

My gym buddies and trainers are likewise awesome people. They continually give me courage and strength to keep going and to aim for my strength and fitness goals. It is very much a community of likeminded people and we are welcoming of all newcomers and supportive of everyone, regardless of where they are at in their fitness & strength journey.

I retired early this year and it is the best decision and I wish I had done it earlier. I am loving living my life at my own, gentler pace. I am quite busy, but I have time and can make time to look after my wellbeing and take the occasional nap whenever I feel like it!

Apart from dancing, running & the gym. I am volunteering with my dog (George the Therapy Dog) doing one-off visits. I also volunteer with a cat rescue organisation and drive kittens and abandoned cats to carers and foster homes. I have also been volunteering with a refugee organisation. Basically, I am almost more busy than I was when working. However, it’s a type of busy that I enjoy and I have fun doing.

George the Therapy Dog

I occasionally work at my friend’s gym – on an ad-hoc basis. Usually, when she has other commitments and I can step in – again, only when it fits in with my life and my commitments.

All up, life is really good and I am happy and content. You really can’t ask for much more from life! 


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Harmony in Motion: Celebrating the Fabulous Community of Rock and Roll Dancers

Hey there, dance enthusiasts and rock and roll rebels! Today, I’m thrilled to share the joyous tale of our vibrant rock and roll dance community, a tapestry woven with friendship, talent, and the irresistible beat of classic tunes.

From the infectious energy on the dance floor to the heartfelt camaraderie that binds us together, our community is truly something special.

A Community of Fabulous Friends:

In our rock and roll dance community, we’re more than just dance partners; we’re friends who groove together. Whether we’re stepping, spinning, or simply enjoying the music, the bonds we’ve forged go beyond the dance floor.

We support each other’s triumphs and cheer each other on through the highs and lows, creating a network of fabulous friends that make every dance night a celebration.

The Maestros Behind the Magic:

Our dance teachers are the unsung heroes of our rock and roll journey. With a perfect blend of humor and expert instruction, they guide us through intricate routines and inspire us to embrace the rhythm with gusto.

Their dedication and passion infuse our community with the spirit of rock and roll, turning each lesson into a memorable experience.

Decking the Halls in Rock and Roll Style:

One of the highlights of our community calendar is the annual Christmas dance extravaganza.

The hall comes alive with laughter and the sound of jingle bells as we all come together to decorate and transform the space into a rock and roll Christmas wonderland.

It’s not just about tinsel and lights; it’s about infusing the space with the same festive spirit that defines our dance community.

Dancing the Night Away:

And then comes the magical night itself. The Christmas dance is the culmination of our efforts, where the twinkle in our eyes matches the sparkle of the decorations.

We dance the night away, reveling in the joy of movement and the company of our fantastic community.

The laughter, the spins, and the electric energy on the dance floor create memories that linger long after the last note fades away.

Our rock and roll dance community is a vibrant testament to the power of friendship, dance, and celebration.

From our talented teachers to the friends who dance beside us, each person contributes to the magic that is uniquely ours.

As we continue to sway, spin, and shimmy together, we’re not just creating dance routines – we’re crafting a symphony of joy, laughter, and everlasting camaraderie that defines the heart and soul of our fabulous rock and roll family. (mainimagecredit:creativecommons)

a group of people who have decorated a hall for a Christmas dance

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Dancing in Love: Breaking Free from Walking on Eggshells

Love, they say, is like dancing to your favorite song, where every step feels harmonious and free. It’s a rhythm that resonates deep within, igniting joy, warmth, and a sense of security.

But sometimes, we find ourselves in relationships where the dance turns into a delicate balancing act—a constant tiptoeing on eggshells to keep the peace.

I’ve walked that tightrope before, where every word and action had to be carefully measured to avoid setting off an unpredictable storm of anger and retribution. It was a relationship that left me feeling trapped, unheard, and unloved.

In one of my previous relationships, I often felt like a prisoner of my own emotions. I had to suppress my thoughts and feelings, fearing the repercussions of expressing myself honestly.

Walking on eggshells became the norm, and the weight of that constant vigilance left me emotionally drained and disconnected.

No one should ever have to feel they have to walk on eggshells in a relationship. Love should be a sanctuary, a place where you can be your authentic self without fear of judgment or punishment. It should inspire growth, trust, and open communication.

It is possible to find love that embraces vulnerability, where we can share our hopes, dreams, fears, and insecurities without judgment or reprisal. It’s a love that encourages us to be the best versions of ourselves.

Love is not about being controlled or manipulated. It’s about lifting each other up, celebrating our individuality, and nurturing a connection based on respect, trust, and genuine care. It’s about feeling safe to express ourselves and knowing that our partner will genuinely listen to and support us.

I’ve learned that a loving relationship should never be about keeping the peace at the cost of one’s own happiness. It should be about fostering an environment where both partners can flourish, express themselves freely, and feel loved unconditionally.

Now, I dance through life with a heart full of joy and gratitude. There are no eggshells to tiptoe around, no fear of anger or retribution.

If you find yourself in a relationship where you feel the need to walk on eggshells, I want you to know that you deserve better. You have the right to seek a love that inspires dancing, not caution. Genuine love is out there, waiting for you to embrace it—a love that respects, cherishes, and celebrates the beautiful person you are.


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Embracing Serendipity: Love, Friendship, and the Dance of Destiny

Life is a dance of unpredictable twists and turns, often leading us to moments of joy and connection we never could have anticipated. From the serendipity of finding love when we least expect it to the value of steadfast friendships and the warmth of a caring community, the tapestry of our lives is woven with threads of destiny that ultimately guide us to where we belong. In this reflection, I share my journey of discovering the beauty of life through loving relationships, cherished friendships, and the vibrant world of dance.

Love Finds Its Way: A Tale of Unexpected Joy

They say that what’s meant to be will always find its way to you, and I couldn’t agree more. Love, that most elusive and enchanting of emotions, has a way of sneaking into our lives when we least expect it. It’s like stumbling upon a hidden treasure while wandering through life’s uncharted territories. The joy of a loving relationship is unparalleled – the way it blossoms and flourishes despite the odds, creating a bond that enriches our days and warms our hearts. The magic of finding the right person at the right time is a testament to the beauty of serendipity.

Dance: A Language of Connection and Friendship

As I traverse the path of life, I’ve been blessed to find companionship not only in romantic relationships but also in the form of loving friendships. These connections, forged through shared experiences and heartfelt conversations, have become the pillars of my existence. Among these, the dance community stands out as a testament to the power of common passions to bring souls together.

Within the embrace of the dance floor, I’ve discovered a world that transcends words – a realm where movement becomes a language, and connection is forged through rhythm and grace. The dance community has gifted me with not only the joy of self-expression but also the gift of lifelong friends who share in the thrill of each step and twirl. These friendships are a testament to the joy of finding kindred spirits in unexpected places.

Guided by Passionate Teachers and a Loving Community

In this dance of life, my journey has been enriched by the presence of incredible dance teachers who have guided me with their expertise, humour, and unwavering support. Their dedication to nurturing and uplifting the dance community goes beyond mere instruction; it’s a reflection of the profound impact a caring mentor can have on one’s journey. My dance teachers have not only taught me the art of movement but have also instilled values of camaraderie, discipline, and the importance of giving back to the community.

Blessed by Loving Kindness

Reflecting on the tapestry of my life, I am reminded of the countless moments of serendipity that have shaped my path. From chance encounters to profound connections, each experience has added a unique hue to the canvas of my existence. I am grateful for the friendships that have stood the test of time, and the dance community that continues to inspire and uplift me.

In a world that often seems chaotic and unpredictable, I find solace in the knowledge that what’s meant to be will always find its way. Embracing this truth has allowed me to cherish the moments of good fortune, navigate the twists and turns with grace, and revel in the loving kindness that surrounds me. As I continue to dance through life, I am guided by the belief that destiny has a way of leading us to where we truly belong – wrapped in the arms of love, friendship, and the beauty of shared experiences.


main image credit:loveforbeachythings

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I love dancing, my dance community & my dance teachers!

There are shortcuts to happiness, and dancing is one of them – Vicki Baum

Dancing: A Personal Journey of Bliss, Health, and Community

As I reflect on my personal journey with dancing, I am overwhelmed by the sheer bliss and joy it has brought into my life. Beyond the mesmerizing movements and enchanting music, dancing has become a catalyst for profound transformations, nurturing my spirit, improving my health, and fostering friendships and a sense of community.

In this blog post, I will share my heartfelt experiences, revealing how dancing has become an integral part of who I am—a source of immense happiness and a beacon of light that radiates through every facet of my existence.


Embracing the Bliss of Dance:

From the moment I step onto the dance floor, a wave of sheer bliss washes over me. The music envelopes my soul, guiding my body in fluid movements that feel like an extension of my very being. Dancing allows me to tap into emotions that words cannot adequately express. It’s as if the dance becomes a language of its own—one that speaks directly to my heart. In those moments, I feel alive, liberated, and connected to the deepest parts of myself. Dancing has become my sanctuary, a place where I can let go of inhibitions and let my spirit soar.

Nurturing the Body and Soul:

Beyond the ethereal joy it brings, dancing has also been a profound catalyst for improving my physical and mental well-being. The rhythmic movements and energetic routines have transformed my body, boosting my cardiovascular fitness, strength, and flexibility. As I engage in various dance styles, I feel my stamina increase, and my body becomes more resilient. The physical benefits of dancing are undeniable, but it is the effect it has on my soul that truly captivates me.

Dancing is a form of therapy, a conduit for releasing stress, anxiety, and negative emotions. When I dance, I am transported to a state of pure presence, where the worries of the world fade into the background. It is in those moments that I feel a profound sense of inner peace and clarity. Dancing has become my meditation—a moving meditation that allows me to quiet my mind and reconnect with my inner self. The endorphins released during dancing create a natural high, leaving me feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to face the world with renewed vitality.

Building Friendships and Community:

One of the most beautiful aspects of dancing is the way it brings people together, forging connections and creating a vibrant sense of community. Through dance classes and social events, I have had the privilege of meeting incredible individuals who share my passion for movement and music. We dance, laugh, and support one another, creating an environment of acceptance and encouragement.

I have the best dance teachers; from the moment I joined the class I realised I was in the absolute right place with the best teachers. They teach with humour and passion, they have supported me from the very beginning when I struggled to pick up some of the moves, especially the spinning in Rock & Roll and through to where I am at now, a gosh-darned good dancer! I will be forever indebted to them for their valuable teaching, care and friendship.

dance teacher quote

The friendships I have formed through dancing go beyond the dance floor—they have become an integral part of my life. We celebrate each other’s achievements, inspire one another to push our limits, and provide a support system that extends far beyond the realm of dancing. The dance community has taught me the power of diversity and acceptance, as people from different backgrounds and walks of life come together, united by their love for dance. In this community, I have found a place where I truly belong, where I can express myself freely, and where I have witnessed the transformative power of dance firsthand.

Dancing has become my lifeline, a source of boundless joy, improved health, and a deep sense of community. Through its enchanting movements and captivating melodies, dancing has touched my spirit, invigorated my body, and brought incredible individuals into my life. It has become a personal journey of self-discovery, self-expression, and personal growth. If you are seeking a path to happiness, vitality, and connection, I urge you to embrace the bliss and joy of dancing. Step onto the dance floor, surrender to the music, and allow yourself to be swept away by the magic that dancing can bring into your life.

image credit:nubuworks

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Health, fitness, dogs, dancing and coffee!

I take my health and fitness very seriously. I am committed to healthy (and balanced) eating and exercising most days of the week. I love to run outdoors and I also love heading to my favourite gym and jumping into a weights, yoga or cardio class. I love my fitness instructors and my workout buddies.

I also love to dance and I have a whole community of dance friends, including my lovely teachers. The older one gets, the more important it is to keep moving, do some resistance training, stretching and balance work.

Sometimes you can get stopped dead in your tracks. I’ve had to take some time out from my fitness regimen as I’ve had a couple of health issues to deal with, including numerous tests, biopsies and a surgery.

When I say time out, I mean from my full on routine. I haven’t entirely stopped. Well, not until Covid bit me again – that stopped me for a whole couple days!

I had to slow down on the weights training after the surgery to give myself time to heal. No problem, I went for super long, brisk walks and a hike in the countryside. Then returned to dancing once the surgeon gave me the all-clear. Which was literally a week after surgery as I was healing so well.

That is why I stay healthy and fit. It helps my day to day life, eases life stresses, keeps me emotionally balanced and prepared me for facing a couple of health scares that I really did not anticipate.

I was back running and hit a cardio class last week. This week I was cleared to head back to weights training.

Then I got bloody Covid again! Seriously?!? I had it last July and not too bad, this time was about the same. I felt absolute garbage for a couple of days with a temperature/fever. Then that cleared and I started to feel better day by day and today I am feeling fine and dandy.

I know that restrictions and isolation rules have ended. However, I am mindful that other folk are more susceptible to getting really sick, so I have spent all of this week at home.

Yesterday and today I was able to get outside and go for a couple of long (6km) walks with George (my dog) and a quick car trip to the drive through coffee place. I took Georgie-boy with me, so he could get his dog bikkie from the server. The pic above is George waiting on his dog treat – that face!🥰

I also have a favorite YouTube exercise woman who does a weights workout that I enjoy. I have weights and exercise equipment at home, in fact, one of my spare rooms is set up like a mini gym. Useful when I can’t run in the dark or on heavy rainfall mornings.

So, for the first time in a while I did some weights training and oof! I am feeling it today, but you know what? I’ma going to do it all over again today. It’s such a wonderful feeling to notice my muscles are in action again!

I am giddily excited at the idea of going back to my full on training next week. Really cannot wait!

I tested negative to Covid this morning, and fortunately so, as I have an action packed weekend coming up. Two dances – tonight & tomorrow night💃🕺

Plus my gorgeous partner has booked us in for a private lesson to learn the Viennese Waltz tomorrow during the day. That’ll be a challenge for me. I can do the basic box step regular waltz. I’ve watched couples dance the Viennese Waltz and it looks so elegant and flowy! I surely hope I can channel my inner elegance and learn this lovely dance routine! I’ll let y’all know how I go…❤️



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no, I don’t have to smile!

But seriously, don’t you hate it when people tell you to smile? Don’t get me wrong, a nice smile is always uplifting and lovely to see. Preferably a genuine smile, not a big, fake, shark-toothed grimacey smile!

I used to be in a relationship one-upon-a-time with a man who always had a go at me when I didn’t constantly smile. I had to smile so much when we were out that my face ached. 😂

We’d be out dancing and I would be having a lovely time, enjoying the music, the dancing, being with friends. Then, all the sudden he’d glare at me and in a furious whisper say “try to look like you’re enjoying yourself and smile.”

Well ok then, I was enjoying myself, thinking all was fine and dandy. But no, apparently my face was out of line! So I would plaster a ridiculous circus grin (think painted on clown smile) for the rest of the evening so as to avoid the man getting into a shitty mood and turning frosty on me for the next few hours or days. It was just more of his controlling behavior. I saw it for what it was, however it still had an impact on me and would make me feel a bit low for a while.

Mind you, ofttimes he would either do the fakey/fakey smile at people, but mostly he had a face like a slapped arse. Anger does that to your face – it leaves that calling card of “you are not a nice person” etched onto your features.

Anyways. That’s all in the past – there is the occasional man at dance class who tells myself and other women to “smile more.” I just nod politely and say “no problem, when you show me your pretty smile, I’ll show you mine.” That usually leaves them jaw hanging in surprise.

How many times do guys tell other guys to smile? They don’t.

It’s just plain rude. Stop telling us to smile – we will if we want, we will if we feel like it.

My daughter said that in the feature pic above, I have a certain elegance in not smiling. She’s not wrong 🥰

I’m also loving my new lbd!




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When you reach a crossroad in your life, what do you do to move forward and nurture yourself?

For me that is self-care, writing this blog, going to the gym, running outdoors and staying connected with family and friends. Oh and dancing, always dancing!

Taking the time to pause, reflect and think about the best way forward. Again, for me, that means eating well (aka healthily), re-committing to my exercise regimen and going out and having fun.

I am fortunate that I have good friends, I can draw them around me like a cloak of warmth and love.

My daughter is my best friend and closest ally. We have always had a close and loving relationship. We are each other’s cheer squad. We also understand each other’s low times.

My sister is always there, every single day. Even though she lives over 3,000km away. We message and chat every day. She checks in with me and I with her.

I value good health and fitness, they are my life and they allow me to live my life in the best way possible.

The thing that I do not value is toxic people, unfortunately they can enter one’s life when you let your guard down. Often in the guise of superficial charm. However, if you allow toxicity in, you will find in time that the cracks show and the poison seeps out, sometimes so slowly that you don’t realize that you have been covered in a miasma of unhealthy behaviours. You will catch glimpses, but you may rationalize them away, easier than admitting you have made a mistake.

It is often only when you step out of that connection that you can fully reflect upon all the damaging patterns that recurred like an endless groundhog day.

But when you do step away, pick up your strength and remember who you are. Firmly put one foot in front of the other and move in a healthier and happier direction. Forwards, always forwards. Don’t look back. There is nothing to see in the rear view mirror.

Life can be beautiful and it can be cruel. I choose to focus on the beautiful. Nature, friendship, family, my dog, love and kindness, respect and warmth. Trust me, it is there!

a little pic of Georgie-boy running in the park…




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And it’s 2023!

Happy New Year! 🎊💃🥂🕛🎇

I spent NYE dancing and managed to last the distance until midnight! It was a long haul!😂

The last hour was tough and a few of my friends bailed before the midnight hour! My partner is always really keen to make it to midnight on New Year’s and I was determined to not just make it, but still be dancing and laughing all the way. I guess for sure it’s a sign of getting older that staying out late is not so appealing. Usually we hang around dancing for a good couple of hours, then leave on a high note.

I love dancing with my partner, we have a great rhythm and sync really well with our dance moves and we are just so comfortable dancing with each other. Rock & Roll and Jive are our favourite styles. But we also love the slower waltzes and shmoozy dance tunes. Progressive dances are always a hoot as well, especially now that we actually know all the steps to them and no longer step on or crash into other dancers!

They have progressives and line dancing when the band take their breaks. I love watching the line dances, but I’m not that adept at them (yet!). I did jump in on the Chilli ChaCha and the Fireball, I had most of the steps, but still managed to turn the wrong way now & again. There was a lovely lady in front letting me know which way to turn and when to wiggle in the ChaCha!! Her wiggle was awesome, mine was way more awkward, but still it was fun!

Then they put on Nutbush City Limits just before midnight, it’s a real Aussie dance routine, the minute the opening bars start playing literally everyone will jump on the dance floor and join in (check out the link if you are not familiar with it). It’s great fun and was the perfect song and dance routine to end the year before wishing everyone a Happy New Year!

I sometimes wonder why it’s so important to wait for the clock to tick over to the new year. However, I will say I did feel quite emotional this time and also quite hopeful that 2023 will be a gentler year for everyone. I wish you a happy, healthy, fulfilling and kind 2023!



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Christmas Day 2022

Christmas Day was fairly relaxed and chill. We spent the day with my partner’s family and my daughter 🥰

We all got there around midday, however the in-laws on the other side got stuck in a freeway jam for a couple of hours which was unfortunate as they were bringing a lot of the main lunch food! We had all the desserts and salads.

In the meantime because we were all getting a bit hungry, we snacked on cookies my daughter brought and had a few glasses of champagne! By the time the rest of the party arrived (flustered and hot), we were all a wee bit merry! We got them to have a glass of champagne, sit down and relax whilst we organized plates, food and serving utensils.

After lunch and endless desserts (Christmas cake, pavlova, trifle, chocolates & more cookies) everyone played a hectic game. I had never heard of it before I met my partner. It’s got a few names including “Christmas gift stealing”, “white elephant”, “stealing Santa” and Google tells me it’s a version of “Yankee Swap”. Here’s a link that explains how the game is played. However, the version we play is a roll of the dice game – get a 6 and grab a gift from the centre pile. At the end of 5 minutes, you keep rolling the dice and if you get a 6, you can grab a gift from someone else’s pile. Everyone ends up in fits of laughter. Then at the end we unwrap the gifts and we usually end up swapping them with each other!

After that my partner and I throw on some Rock & Roll tunes and have a dance around (and yes, we were wearing matching Christmas vests!). It was a good way to work off all that food!


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