60plus and loving life

Tag Archives women over 60

Who am I? A year of learning about myself, more than I ever thought I could be!

I caught up with a good friend of mine for lunch today. We always talk about random things and deep dive on any issues we might have and untangle thoughts and feelings to get at the core of things.

It’s wonderful to have friends like that and she is an absolute gem!

We talked about my health which has been a bit of a dumpster fire this year. My friend talked about my identity as a healthy and fit woman. She is correct, my identity is very much wrapped around health & fitness and being a role model for women in their 60s.

Heck, one of the reasons I started this blog was to talk about health & fitness and how to stay well as one ages!

My family of origin has and is riddled with heart disease, metabolic illness, and COPD.

My whole life and part of my motivation to stay healthy and fit was to keep, primarily, heart disease at bay and I can say I have been overwhelmingly successful in this endeavour.

So, you can imagine my utter shock when cancer decided to knock on the door earlier this year. Specifically, breast cancer. No-one in my family has had breast cancer and it took some time to wrap my head around it all and what that meant for my health, fitness, and self-identity.

This year has had enough plot twists to write a book about. On top of the breast cancer, I was diagnosed with non-Hodgin Lymphoma, Lymphocytic Colitis and then Sudden Sensorineuro Hearing loss in my left ear – meaning I will need surgery to be fitted with a Cochlear Implant.

In amongst all of these hectic challenges, I have kept my spirits up, dealing with one thing at a time. I have kept up my exercise regimen when I could.

There were some weeks when recovering from a procedure or two, that I have had to take a break to rest and recuperate. I have had to take the time to allow my body and spirit time to rest and recover and to get better.

If I couldn’t go for a run, I’d go for a brisk walk. If I couldn’t go to the gym to do weights training, I’d pick up an extra yoga or Pilates class. Going for a swim is always a nice option, gentle, weight bearing and slow. Dancing is a constant too.

If it was all too much, then resting, reading, walking my dog, and spending gentle time with family and my friends were the order of the day!

I also had some emotional turmoil to deal with this year. A person whose sole purpose in life seemed to be to relentlessly bully me via my blog and to get his minion to do likewise.

Generally, I am very much of the opinion that bullies are just cowards that if you ignore them, they eventually go away. But this one was unrelentingly persistent.

In the end I got rid of them, but it took some work to do so and if they ever rear their heads again, I will go straight to the Magistrate and get an AVO. I have all the written evidence and witnesses of in-person bullying and harassment. Plus, nasty sh*t sent to friends of mine, that has also been kept as evidence.

All up the year has presented some unique issues for me to deal with and overcome.

But you know what? I am resilient, I am strong, I fully believe my fitness has enabled me to deal with the health issues effectively. Exercise and eating well also helps with emotional upheaval.

The other thing I have in my favour is a supportive family and the best friends and community. They literally wrap themselves around me like a warm hug!

I am blessed and honoured and humbled by the love and support I have received this year.





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Now that my Blog is established and getting more followers, I am working on launching a Podcast. I’m going to release it on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Castbox, Overcast, Stitcher and RadioPublic – making sure I reach listeners on their preferred platform anywhere in the world.

I’ll be cross-promoting with other podcasters to get more traction and grow my listeners. I’ll also be launching my Podcast across my social media and regular media and I have a couple interviews lined up.

My Podcast will be along the same themes and categories that you can find in my Blog, but with the added spin of hearing my voice and conversations with guests and a few extras that will only be available on the Podcast especially for you.

It’s going to be a mixture of interviews, special guests, and great content on being 60+ and loving life!

I’ll be talking about all my favourite things. Dancing, my dog and therapy/assistance dogs, relationships (the good, the bad and the in-between!), health & fitness – particularly for people over 60, and chatting with other people about their views on all things!

I am so excited to be moving forward with this new project. I can’t wait to share this with you all.

The podcast episodes will be dropped every fortnight – I’ll update you on the launch date soon. Some content will be serious, and some will be fun and light-hearted, but all content will be engaging!

Life is fabulous. Do what makes you happy! Live your life, have adventures, try new things and don’t forget to love. Love yourself, your special person, your family and your friends! ❤️

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…and it’s Friday!

Happy Friday y’all…

I hope wherever you are and wherever you are at, that you have a wonderful day full of love and joy!

It’s beautiful weather over in my neck of the woods and I went for a 6km run this morning. The pics above and below are the views on one of my run trails. I love running, it’s wonderful to be out in nature and it’s uplifting for the heart and spirit.

I’ll head to the gym later for a Balance Class (mixture of yoga and pilates) – nice way to end the week with a stretching, flexibility and balance session – followed by a relaxation, breathing session at the end.

The new man I have started seeing is also into fitness – he goes to the gym and like me, he’s up at ridiculous o’clock (5.30 – 6.00am). He also follows his workout sessions with a protein shake with almond milk (it’s a thing y’all)! It’s nice to connect with someone that I don’t have to explain why I love the early morning or what almond milk is 😂 – he just gets it!

I might even go for a swim in the afternoon, seeing how it’s glorious, sunny weather.

Then a dinner date tonight and dancing all weekend long, because that’s how I roll!

running trail


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Swimming as therapy (for your mind!)

Swim/swam. Splish/splash…

This weekend has been emotionally fraught and draining. It’s Sunday afternoon and I have been feeling quite wiped out. I was messaging my daughter and told her I might go for a swim or just be lazy.

She replied immediately and said to go for a swim as it would make me feel better and she’s correct.

Mind you, it wasn’t that straightforward. Fortunately, I live in a town where we have lots of public swimming pools. The first one I went to was closing as the power had gone out in the neighbourhood.

So I went a couple suburbs over to my other favourite pool. Hopped in and swam 14 laps and the pool attendant called out to me to stop. They were putting up the wall to turn the 50 metre pool into a 25 metre pool. They do that sometimes if they are having kids lessons in the other half.

I usually like to swim at least 20 laps of the 50 metre. I could have continued with the 25 metre after waiting a few minutes for them to raise the wall in the middle. But I thought, you know what? 14 laps are good for today and I sure did feel a lot better.

I find swimming soothing and meditative. I find I can ease stressed emotions and basically let go of what is bothering me. I was also composing this blog post as I swam along.

Swimming is a great all round exercise, it doesn’t stress your joints as it’s low-impact. It’s a workout for your whole body, it’s good for your heart and lungs and really good for your mental health/emotional wellbeing. Check out this article for more information on the benefits of swimming.

I love to swim in the summer months and try to go at least once/week. During the winter I find it a bit more challenging to fling myself in the water, but when I do I always love it! Another benefit for my being a “senior” now is that I get discounted entry to the pool!

What’s not to love? Oh and I love my new swimsuit – Speedos – comfy and flexible, perfect for swimming and check out the green!

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Some days (weeks) I’m just not feeling it!

Health journey… (with links to reliable articles to explain medical terms and conditions)

I would love to be able to say I eat healthily and exercise every single day and for the most part I do (more or less). However, there are days (and sometimes a week or two) whereby I just don’t.

There are so many articles, books, blog posts, Instagram stories of fit, healthy and fabulous people trying to inspire us to live a better and healthier lifestyle. Some of the thoughts and images are both inspirational and sometimes discouraging as they portray a certain perfection that is not necessarily attainable. Then you have the posts of “real” images – which are better, but still.

I’m kind of one of them. Sort of. I try to show and maintain a fit and healthy image and lifestyle, I try to be relatable and real. I don’t follow any particular “diet” as I find they are limited in nutritional value and primarily set people up for failure. You can follow most diets and achieve weight loss (not necessarily an improvement in your health, unless you need to lose weight for weight related diseases such as metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease and/or type II diabetes).

However, most diets are self limiting and not designed to be ongoing. Especially if they are particularly restrictive, most people will either get fed up with following the diet, start craving the foods that caused their ill health in the first place or stop when they have reached a goal weight. Then go back to how it used to be and wonder why the diet hasn’t worked long term.

I’ve always said that however you eat for health, good nutrition needs to be your actual lifestyle. Your day to day eating plan, exercise regimen and how you live your life will govern your best health outcomes.

Which is why I puzzle my own self when I have days where I either eat way too much or pick up something at the store that is nutritionally unsound (crap, rubbish, junk food). I know most health promoters talk about cheat meals or treats and yes, that is all well and good. But I’m talking more about just sabotaging your own health plan and goals.

I know for me personally I need to maintain a certain body weight, I know 100% that if I go over a certain weight my blood pressure starts creeping up. High blood pressure and heart disease is in my family – inherited and genetically based.

My father had heart disease and had his first heart attack in his early 50s, he also had a stroke in his 60s and a quadruple heart bypass surgery in his early/mid 60s.

Both my sisters have early signs of heart disease. They have both been on blood pressure medication since their late 40s, cholesterol lowering meds since their early 50s and the older one is also on angina medication. So I am mindful of my family history and genetic predisposition, so I have always maintained my health and fitness levels.

So, to wind up, I started on my health and fitness journey probably from my late 20s (I quit smoking and took up swimming and eating better). I am now 64 and very fit and fairly healthy – I don’t have any chronic diseases or any signs of heart disease. My blood pressure (last time it was checked was 116/66 which is really, really good!)

I get disappointed in myself when I sabotage my own health journey. But the good thing is that it’s never all the time, I don’t just give up and give in (I guess I’m tenacious like that!). I’m still trying to figure out the sabotage, it’s sometimes when I’m feeling down or feeling stressed or sometimes I have no freaking idea… but I think because of 40 years of improving my eating and my exercise/fitness, I always want to go back to the health journey that I want to be on and set aside the setbacks as literally just that – setbacks.

There is no magic potion, book, article, blog or Instagram post that will be the “thing” that makes you want to improve your health and fitness. You start with one step forward, the odd step sideways, sometimes a step or two backwards, then back to one step forward.

A little progress each day really does add up to big results long term! You may not always be able to see or feel it, but trust that it will and trust yourself and know that the little “saboteur” within us may wreak occasional havoc, but your better self is mostly in the lead!


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Foam Fest!

I convinced my daughter to join me in Foam Fest 2023

It was a 5km obstacle run! She was a little uncertain about joining in, but I said I’d signed up and she did likewise.

It was in the countryside at Brigadoon in Western Australia, so almost like a trail run – with obstacles! There were water slides, mud pits, lily pads, more water slides, log roles, hurdles and rope climbs…

We were in the first wave as I figured the course would get fairly mucky later in the day. That meant a 6am rise and at the course by 7am for check in… on a Saturday!

My little girl is a real trooper and was fine with my stealing her Saturday morning rest and relaxation time.

We went through a foam curtain to start off and then just ran! The first obstacle was a hurdle, my daughter leaped over, myself? More an undignified scramble 🤣

We were happily running together and chatting, it was a slightly cool start, but the sun soon put on the heat!

We got to the first mud pit and waded through, I slipped and fell in half way through and then at the end we had to clamber out. She reached back for my hand to help haul me out.

All the obstacles I managed and got through them. I am really proud and pleased with myself as some of them were quite challenging!

Nearing the end, we got to the lily pads, you can see from the photo above we had to run across them without landing in the water… My daughter ran across like a graceful gazelle! Me? More like a waddling, demented duck! At the end my daughter was waiting with her hands out and she helped me get back onto land before we continued running.

Every obstacle, she checked in with me either during or at the end to make sure I was ok. She offered her hands for every one that I needed help hauling myself out of…

The last one was a giant water slide! I’ve never been fond of water slides (I was ok with the middling ones on this course) and I also don’t like heights.

My daughter launched herself down and waited for me.

I baulked. I sat at the top, crossed my arms like instructed, then panicked. I got up and climbed back down. I kind of wish I had just thrown myself down and have mild regret that I didn’t. However, I also realise that sometimes I just can’t and you know, that’s ok!

My daughter waited for me and we then ran together to the finish line – hand in hand.

She is the best person in my life, hands down!!!

If you are interested in Foam Fest, here is the link for more information.

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And it’s 2023!

Happy New Year! 🎊💃🥂🕛🎇

I spent NYE dancing and managed to last the distance until midnight! It was a long haul!😂

The last hour was tough and a few of my friends bailed before the midnight hour! My partner is always really keen to make it to midnight on New Year’s and I was determined to not just make it, but still be dancing and laughing all the way. I guess for sure it’s a sign of getting older that staying out late is not so appealing. Usually we hang around dancing for a good couple of hours, then leave on a high note.

I love dancing with my partner, we have a great rhythm and sync really well with our dance moves and we are just so comfortable dancing with each other. Rock & Roll and Jive are our favourite styles. But we also love the slower waltzes and shmoozy dance tunes. Progressive dances are always a hoot as well, especially now that we actually know all the steps to them and no longer step on or crash into other dancers!

They have progressives and line dancing when the band take their breaks. I love watching the line dances, but I’m not that adept at them (yet!). I did jump in on the Chilli ChaCha and the Fireball, I had most of the steps, but still managed to turn the wrong way now & again. There was a lovely lady in front letting me know which way to turn and when to wiggle in the ChaCha!! Her wiggle was awesome, mine was way more awkward, but still it was fun!

Then they put on Nutbush City Limits just before midnight, it’s a real Aussie dance routine, the minute the opening bars start playing literally everyone will jump on the dance floor and join in (check out the link if you are not familiar with it). It’s great fun and was the perfect song and dance routine to end the year before wishing everyone a Happy New Year!

I sometimes wonder why it’s so important to wait for the clock to tick over to the new year. However, I will say I did feel quite emotional this time and also quite hopeful that 2023 will be a gentler year for everyone. I wish you a happy, healthy, fulfilling and kind 2023!



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Christmas Day 2022

Christmas Day was fairly relaxed and chill. We spent the day with my partner’s family and my daughter 🥰

We all got there around midday, however the in-laws on the other side got stuck in a freeway jam for a couple of hours which was unfortunate as they were bringing a lot of the main lunch food! We had all the desserts and salads.

In the meantime because we were all getting a bit hungry, we snacked on cookies my daughter brought and had a few glasses of champagne! By the time the rest of the party arrived (flustered and hot), we were all a wee bit merry! We got them to have a glass of champagne, sit down and relax whilst we organized plates, food and serving utensils.

After lunch and endless desserts (Christmas cake, pavlova, trifle, chocolates & more cookies) everyone played a hectic game. I had never heard of it before I met my partner. It’s got a few names including “Christmas gift stealing”, “white elephant”, “stealing Santa” and Google tells me it’s a version of “Yankee Swap”. Here’s a link that explains how the game is played. However, the version we play is a roll of the dice game – get a 6 and grab a gift from the centre pile. At the end of 5 minutes, you keep rolling the dice and if you get a 6, you can grab a gift from someone else’s pile. Everyone ends up in fits of laughter. Then at the end we unwrap the gifts and we usually end up swapping them with each other!

After that my partner and I throw on some Rock & Roll tunes and have a dance around (and yes, we were wearing matching Christmas vests!). It was a good way to work off all that food!


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Impulsive decisions…

Eyebrow lamination!

Is something that I had never heard of until this week! I have my eyebrows waxed and eyelashes tinted every few weeks. The brows because they can look a bit wild and woolly if I don’t and the lashes as it saves me spending time putting on mascara – because I can’t be bothered with fussing to go out or go to work.

I had my usual appointment on Monday night with the woman who lives around the corner from me and has her own home beauty business. As it’s a week out from Christmas, she said why don’t you do something different?

And because it’s close to Christmas and I can have a tendency to be a tad impulsive I said sure, what did she have in mind? She said why don’t we do an eyebrow lamination and tint and an eyelash curl and lift and tint.

I’m like “go for it”. Then I said, wait, what exactly is eyebrow lamination? Laminating to me is a thing you do where you heat plastic sheets to preserve documents or pictures and I couldn’t quite get my head around having something like that done to my eyebrows.

Kim, my beauty therapist, explained that it was a process whereby the eyebrows are treated with a straightening chemical and then brushed into place. So ok then.

The whole process took almost two hours! To be honest I can’t say I loved the eyebrow look, they certainly were dramatic (see pic above). I’ve never had such dark eyebrows and I felt they looked absurd.

The eyelashes on the other hand, I did love – they curled up and looked longer! Cute….

I was a bit nervous going into work the next morning, but I actually got a lot of compliments on my brows. My beloved partner did not notice at all! 😂 😂

Anyway, not that this was challenging in any real way, but it does prove that you can try new things when you get older. The outcome may be great or not so great, it doesn’t matter. It’s just a bit of fun for the festive silly season!


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You really never know what is around the corner!


My sister went to have her bloodwork done a few weeks ago. When she got the results her doctor thought her liver enzymes were a little unusual and sent her off for an ultrasound.

She had the ultrasound done the following week and fortuitously the results found that her liver looked fine. However, the doc said that she had a small lesion on one of her kidneys.

My sister then had to book in to have a biopsy of the lesion to determine whether it was cancerous. She had to reschedule as she caught a bad head cold the week prior to the biopsy and was still unwell the day before.

They got her back in within the week, which indicates that they were fairly concerned about the lesion. My sister wasn’t too freaked out as she trusted the urologist and oncologist, mostly because they kept her informed and were reassuring. She was a little nervous the night before and the day of the procedure, which is understandable.

She finally had the biopsy last week and got the results a couple of days later. That appointment was via Telehealth because in her town they still do a lot of online medical appointments due to another wave of Covid.

The outcome was that the lesion was cancer, more precisely it was a renal cell carcinoma – you can read about that if you click the link. The good news was that it was very small and had not spread anywhere else. The specialist is booking her in for surgery in January to have a partial nephrectomy which is surgical removal of part of the affected kidney. Again you can read about that procedure if you click the link.

I had to google all the terms as they were unfamiliar and I am now far more informed. My sister is fortunate that due to the small size of the lesion, she can have ‘robotic surgery’, rather than having ‘open surgery’. The recovery time from robotic surgery is a lot quicker and the surgery itself is far less invasive.

She has been reassured by her specialist that they will be able to remove the entire lesion and that she (likely) won’t need further intervention. Although I guess she will have regular scans to ensure she stays in the clear.

She’ll be in hospital for a couple of days and then home to recover. I am planning to send over a care package for her when she gets home. We live in different cities on opposite sides of the country, so I can’t get over to see her easily.

Please look after your health and wellbeing, have your bloodwork done (I know I am well and truly overdue for mine and will book in asap!), eat well (as much as you can), exercise well (as much as you can) and take care!

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