60plus and loving life

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Gym for the win!!

I love my gym! And they love me! I have so many friends in both the personal trainers and the lovely people I know in my regular classes. I won Member of the Month after being nominated by my personal trainers and I am honoured to have been chosen!😀🏋️🧘‍♀️

As 2023 begins to draw towards a close, I find myself reflecting on a year that, like for many, brought its share of challenges. Yet, amidst the storms, I discovered an unwavering anchor—the gym.

In a world of uncertainty, it became my sanctuary, my happy place, and the foundation for navigating the tumultuous seas of life.

The Gym as My Happy Place:

In the rhythmic hum of weights clanging and the steady beat of my heart, I discovered solace. The gym transformed into more than a place to break a sweat; it became a haven where I recharged my spirit and found clarity.

The endorphin-fueled euphoria that follows a workout became my refuge from the anxieties of the outside world.

Navigating the Challenges:

This year presented health challenges that tested my resilience. However, I am profoundly grateful for the strong foundation of fitness I had built over the years.

Staying committed to my fitness routine turned out to be a lifeline during moments of uncertainty.

The strength, both physical and mental, that I cultivated in the gym became my armour against the adversities I faced.

The Importance of Fitness as We Age:

As the candles on the birthday cake increase, the value of maintaining fitness, strength, and balance becomes clearer.

The gym is not just a place for the young; it’s a sanctuary for those of us who’ve danced a bit longer under the sun. In fact, it’s as we age that the importance of consistent exercise becomes paramount.

A Personal Revelation:

I can’t help but believe that my journey through health challenges would have been far more arduous if I hadn’t prioritized my fitness.

The stamina built in strength and cardio classes, the muscles sculpted through weight training, and the balance refined in yoga all contributed to my resilience.

This journey has been a testament to the saying, “We do not stop exercising because we grow old; we grow old because we stop exercising.”

Sailing into 2024:

As the year comes to a close, I find myself in a great place—physically robust and emotionally resilient. The gym, my steadfast companion, has not only been a refuge but a launchpad propelling me into the coming year with optimism and vigour.

The weights lifted, the kilometres (miles) run, and the moments of mindfulness in the yoga studio have not only shaped my physique but also forged a resilient mindset that transcends the physical.

Closing Thoughts:

So here’s to the gym, the tireless supporter that stood by me in challenging times. As the clock ticks down to a new year, I sail into 2024 on a high note, armed with the strength and tenacity cultivated in the embrace of my fitness sanctuary.

If there’s one lesson I carry with me, it’s the profound impact of prioritizing our well-being, especially as we age. The gym isn’t just a place; it’s a vessel propelling us toward a future where we are not just surviving but thriving.

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Who am I? A year of learning about myself, more than I ever thought I could be!

I caught up with a good friend of mine for lunch today. We always talk about random things and deep dive on any issues we might have and untangle thoughts and feelings to get at the core of things.

It’s wonderful to have friends like that and she is an absolute gem!

We talked about my health which has been a bit of a dumpster fire this year. My friend talked about my identity as a healthy and fit woman. She is correct, my identity is very much wrapped around health & fitness and being a role model for women in their 60s.

Heck, one of the reasons I started this blog was to talk about health & fitness and how to stay well as one ages!

My family of origin has and is riddled with heart disease, metabolic illness, and COPD.

My whole life and part of my motivation to stay healthy and fit was to keep, primarily, heart disease at bay and I can say I have been overwhelmingly successful in this endeavour.

So, you can imagine my utter shock when cancer decided to knock on the door earlier this year. Specifically, breast cancer. No-one in my family has had breast cancer and it took some time to wrap my head around it all and what that meant for my health, fitness, and self-identity.

This year has had enough plot twists to write a book about. On top of the breast cancer, I was diagnosed with non-Hodgin Lymphoma, Lymphocytic Colitis and then Sudden Sensorineuro Hearing loss in my left ear – meaning I will need surgery to be fitted with a Cochlear Implant.

In amongst all of these hectic challenges, I have kept my spirits up, dealing with one thing at a time. I have kept up my exercise regimen when I could.

There were some weeks when recovering from a procedure or two, that I have had to take a break to rest and recuperate. I have had to take the time to allow my body and spirit time to rest and recover and to get better.

If I couldn’t go for a run, I’d go for a brisk walk. If I couldn’t go to the gym to do weights training, I’d pick up an extra yoga or Pilates class. Going for a swim is always a nice option, gentle, weight bearing and slow. Dancing is a constant too.

If it was all too much, then resting, reading, walking my dog, and spending gentle time with family and my friends were the order of the day!

I also had some emotional turmoil to deal with this year. A person whose sole purpose in life seemed to be to relentlessly bully me via my blog and to get his minion to do likewise.

Generally, I am very much of the opinion that bullies are just cowards that if you ignore them, they eventually go away. But this one was unrelentingly persistent.

In the end I got rid of them, but it took some work to do so and if they ever rear their heads again, I will go straight to the Magistrate and get an AVO. I have all the written evidence and witnesses of in-person bullying and harassment. Plus, nasty sh*t sent to friends of mine, that has also been kept as evidence.

All up the year has presented some unique issues for me to deal with and overcome.

But you know what? I am resilient, I am strong, I fully believe my fitness has enabled me to deal with the health issues effectively. Exercise and eating well also helps with emotional upheaval.

The other thing I have in my favour is a supportive family and the best friends and community. They literally wrap themselves around me like a warm hug!

I am blessed and honoured and humbled by the love and support I have received this year.





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My wellness journey…

Hello and I hope you are having a good start to your week. This is a bit of a longer read than usual, but it’ll be worth it!

I’ve mentioned in prior posts about being diagnosed with breast cancer – here’s a couple of links, so you can catch up if you are new to my blog, I’ll be here when you come back health update #1  and health update #2

Since then I’ve also been diagnosed with non-Hodgkins Lymphoma – slow growing (they actually call it “indolent” – I apparently have a lazy cancer!😂) And yes, I can certainly laugh about it! I’m seeing a Haematologist today for further information. More on that appointment below.

I’ve been doing some serious soul searching around all of this – I am fit and healthy and I also have cancer. Bit of an oxymoron – but here we are!

I feel absolutely fine and in really good spirits. I am also being brutally honest with myself in searching out answers to what may have caused my body to turn on itself.

The breast cancer is estrogen (oestrogen) sensitive. I was on Hormone Replacement Therapy for some years. There is strong evidence based research that HRT can lead to breast cancer. Here’s a research article you can read which explains the risks a little more. There are different types of breast cancer and some are genetic/hereditary. There is no breast cancer in my family, so I believe that mine is linked with the HRT.

After the breast cancer surgery (lumpectomy and lymph nodes removal), the Oncologist has recommended Radiation treatment, then hormone blockers. I’m taking the time to think about that. Everything has happened so quickly, I literally have not had the time to process and think about what all this means to me and my well-being. I am fortunate and relieved that chemotherapy has been taken off the table. I am also completely supportive of anyone that requires chemo.

As for the Lymphoma, good news on that front. The Haematologist confirmed that it is Follicular Lymphoma, low grade, slow growing, indolent and not requiring any treatment at this stage. He has opted for a “wait and watch” approach. I will have follow-up blood tests and another appointment in 3 months.

In the interim he pointed me to current clinical trials looking into the benefits of Vitamin D on Follicular Lymphoma. He recommended I increase my Vitamin D supplementation regimen. Here’s a link to the research ILyAD (Indolent Lymphoma and Vitamin D) and another article here Lymphoma and Vitamin D    

The link with insufficient Vitamin D is interesting. I live in Western Australia and we get plenty of sunshine and sunshine is a prime provider of Vitamin D (other than food sources like egg yolks and oily fish i.e. salmon, sardines etc.) Check this link for more information Sunshine and Vit D

I regularly get out in the sun, but I generally wear sunscreen which blocks the beneficial UVB that you get from the sun that has Vitamin D. I have been taking a supplement for some time now, however my Haematologist basically told me to double the amount.

It will be interesting to see what my blood work shows in 3 months.

The Haematologist said the cause of the Lymphoma is difficult to pinpoint or determine. He said it could be linked to environmental factors such as heavy metals. He pointed out that western countries have high numbers of people with Lymphoma. Whereas other less developed nations do not have such high rates. Lifestyle also plays a factor in most, if not all, cancers. Being seriously overweight/obese can increase your chances as can poor eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle.

I am not overweight, I exercise regularly and I eat fairly healthily. So those factors are not what contributed to my diagnosis.

I believe that stress plays a massive role in cancer development. Again, there is evidence based research that investigates the links between high/chronic stress and cancer development and progression. Read more here How stress affects cancer risks and here Chronic stress and cancer.

Chronic and unrelenting stress has been a cofactor in my life over many years. I have held down high level, but extremely stressful job roles. I have had to deal with toxic bosses/managers and I have been made redundant from a couple of jobs and that in itself has caused me immense stress.

Unfortunately, I have also had a couple of seriously stressful relationships, with partners that either have anger issues and or controlling/manipulative behaviors.

I truly believe that the chronic stress I have been under for many years has definitely contributed to my cancer diagnosis.

Things that I have done to mitigate these stressors, even before my diagnosis:

Early last year I quit my last high stress/full-time job. I picked up a part-time job that is low stress, a lot more fun (great team members) and generates enough income for me to get by.

I have eliminated toxic people from my life. All of them. I do not allow any negative or toxic or drama-ridden people access to my life.

I have found a life partner who is kind, gentle, sweet, thoughtful, compassionate and loving.

I have family and friends that are supportive of me and I of them.

The other things that I have decided to do in my journey back to optimal health:

I have started having Vitamin C infusions (intravenously). I came to this decision after reading about some very promising clinical studies on the beneficial effects of Vit C and certain types of cancer – see links here for more information Cancer and Vitamin C  and here Vitamin C can kill cancer cells

I will do a separate blog post about that experience.

I am able to return to my exercise regimen after my surgery and Covid that slowed me down a bit.

I’ve been able to dance and go for runs for the last couple of weeks.

This afternoon I am doing my first Body Pump class (it’s been 4 weeks since my surgery). I am beyond excited about doing a proper weights training class. I know I’ll have to go lighter – my head says go the full weights, my body says – not yet!

I’ll build back up to it, but thrilled to be back into it all.

I am doing another dietary overhaul and reviewing all my macro and micro nutrients to see what may be missing for optimal health.

I am seeing a Naturopath this week to talk about re-balancing my hormones and improving my immune system. I’ll give you all an update on that after the appointment.

In the meantime, stay well, be kind to yourself and surround yourself with good people!




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Happy Christmas!


It’s Christmas Eve and sweltering hot in my neck of the woods! I’ve just turned on the air con as I’m starting to melt. I usually leave it as late in the day as possible and generally prefer the ceiling fan.

It’s not as hot this year as the last few Christmases have been, but still it’s mid summer and toasty!

Not sure what your plans are this year, but I hope you have a delightful and happy Christmas whatever you choose to do. And if you are alone this Christmas, my thoughts are with you and sending you love and hugs…

It can be a beautiful time of year and a challenging time of year and I’ve had both types over the years. So I understand if it’s your happiest day with family or your saddest day with no close family to spend the day with you.

I’ll start my Christmas Day with a 5km run, nice and early to beat the heat. It’s my way of settling myself for the day. A reminder that I am fortunate to have a body that functions well and allows me to get up and run. It’s a mindfulness and gratitude setting time, whereby I run and recall all the good things in my life, enjoy the beauty of the morning, listen to the birds and greet the odd person who also gets out early on a Christmas morn.

My sister is recovering well from her kidney cancer operation. She lives on the other side of the country, so I won’t see her for Christmas, but she is surrounded by her children and grandchildren and her Christmas day will be filled with joy.

My daughter and I will be going to my partner’s family for Christmas this year. There’ll be lots of food, wine, laughter and games to play with the kids. My favourite Christmas treat is Christmas cake or pudding – dark, rich and fruity! It is literally the one thing I anticipate on the day (foodwise) and it’s always a delight!

We all bring something to share, so that no-one is burdened with all the preparation and cooking. We each have a Secret Santa gift for another person and then share in the cleaning up at the end of the day.

Then it’s a wrap for another year!



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Trails, tails and my daughter too!

Walking the trails

My daughter came over yesterday to spend the day with me 🥰 I love it when it’s just the two of us. We are really close and have a special bond and really enjoy hanging out together.

She suggested we and my dog, George, head over to our local nature reserve and hit the trail.

Dog and woman walking

The weather was good, mild and sunny and perfect for getting out in nature. It was a bit muddy, we’ve had some rain lately, which is a good thing.

George was thrilled to get out for a long walk/run. We started on leash, but it’s a leash off area, so he had fun galloping around and rolling in the grass and dirt! 😅

There’s a certain joy in watching a happy dog. His happiness in his freedom to run around gives me an almost visceral pleasure to watch.

My happiness quota was off the scale! Spending time with my daughter and watching the un-selfconscious joy of my dog are two things that elevate my wellbeing. It’s the simple pleasures in life and being present in that exact moment that work for me!


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Nature as medicine

It’s beautiful Spring weather in my part of the world. Finally! After a very soggy and rainy winter we are seeing some sunny days. It seemed the perfect time to head out into nature over the weekend and visit one of our national parks. It’s wildflower season and there are beautiful blooms out there. I love the native flowers the most. However, we have a tulip festival in our town at this time of year and the tulips were glorious in all their colours!
tulips flowers

I’ve long believed that taking time out of the city and getting into nature is great for my emotional wellbeing and I’ve recently read research that supports my thoughts. Every time I have the chance to have a weekend in the countryside, I feel a sense of peace and tranquility as soon as I leave behind the suburbs and drive alongside country roads surrounded by trees. The stresses of life seem to melt away tree-by-tree. This is partly by being in nature and partly because being away from work and other stressors, there is this sense that you must let go, at least for a while.

Back to reality now, but not too soon. It’s a long weekend here, so I have the day free. I decided to go for a 10k run this morning. I usually run around 5-6k, but I’m nearing the end of a running challenge for September, called The Long Run, a fundraiser for prostate cancer.

I’m in a bit of a competition with a couple of my workmates and as much as I love younger people, they think it’s a done deal that one or other of them will have the most kilometres by the end of the month. I’d slipped a bit in my km’s last week as I had acute bronchitis and pharyngitis.

Feeling all better, I tied up my running shoes this morning and off I went. Only to come a cropper at the 4.5k mark. Tripped (no idea on what or if it’s just my own feet getting in the way) ? I landed on my hands, elbows and one knee. Ripped a hole in the knee of my favourite running tights and scraped myself up a bit! I figured I was close to the 5k turnaround and unless I called a rideshare to get me home, I may as well trot along and finish the 10k.

I’ll be feeling it tomorrow!!

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