you deserve to be happy!
What does a relationship mean to you?
For me, it’s being with someone who is my best friend and loved partner.
When you wake up and you’ve been holding hands during the night, because you always reach out for each other, even in sleep.
You both get up and it’s a fresh, bright and wonderful new morning, full of hope and possibilities.
You laugh and talk as you make breakfast together. Maybe pancakes or french toast with cinnamon sugar. Maybe eggs or porridge with honey and fresh berries.
And coffee, nice strong coffee.
It’s a special part of the day to share and it sets the tone for the rest of the day.
Do you go on a hike? Or go back to bed for a while? take the dogs for a walk or both head to the gym to workout.
The day can take any turn you like. But you’ve set a beautiful start.
That’s what my best friend and partner would want – with me and I with them
My person willingly and happily shares the household labour, freeing us up to have more quality time together. Knowing that the chores do not belong to any one person.
My person would never expect me to bear more than my fair share of tasks, because love recognizes that both of us are contributing to something we wish to grow together.
There is no room for being selfish. But there is room to care for ourselves and each other.
He is intuitive and notices if I am down or feeling tired. We both will pick up more of the burden if we notice the other is not quite up to things. It’s nurturing and it’s empathy and it’s genuine love.
We are both ok with needing space and solitude sometimes and allowing each other that grace.
Loving someone is grace, kindness, laughter. It can also be less than that at times, because life is not always rainbows and unicorns.
But we know that and we accept each other and that is our love.
When times are tough, we pull together to work things out. No matter what, we have each other’s back.
For after all, we are kindred souls and we will never lose each other
one can but dream…
imagecredit: specialsaying
caringdysfunctional relationshipsempathykindesslovenurturingrelationships