60plus and loving life

Tag Archives women’s empowerment

Move on – no, seriously. Move on!

I was watching this guy on TikTok, Paul Scanlon. He’s a mentor and is big on self-awareness and being true to your authentic self.

One of his videos made me laugh and almost spit out my morning coffee!

He basically said: “Don’t blame a clown for acting like a clown. Ask yourself why you keep going to the circus.”

Well then.


So today’s message is simple. If you are entangled with a toxic person who literally acts like a clown (aka – gaslighting, emotionally abusive, narcissistic behaviour, lacks empathy and compassion and treats you poorly). Then leave the circus! 🤡

Take the broken pieces of yourself and take the time to heal. Nurture yourself. Practice self-care. If you haven’t already read my blog post on self-care after a relationship breakdown (click the link and it’ll open in a new tab, then come back, I’ll be waiting).

You need to look after you. Don’t worry about them. Clowns will be clowns, they literally just move onto the next one and start their appalling behaviour all over again.

But don’t worry. Karma is real. You won’t necessarily know when or how, but rest assured, karma is waiting for them in the wings and when she strikes, they won’t know what hit them.

You focus on you. Love and nurture yourself. Surround yourself with your people who love and care for you.

Do something special for yourself. Stop the spiraling thoughts. Focus on every positive thing in your life, even the small ones. Be grateful you are here and that you have another day to make your own.

You have got this! I believe in you, because I believe in myself too!


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Boxing for fitness, strength and building grit!

Boxing is a great sport for women, both young and old!

“Boxing as a discipline teaches skill, tact, protection, patience, self-awareness, and above all else: grit.” Per My Last Email: The Psychology of Boxing – On The Dot Woman

Proud mumma moment here – my daughter competed in her first match over the weekend “Girls Fight Back”. It was a fundraiser for breast cancer and there were women from different boxing clubs competing.

There were 3 rounds of 3 minutes each and my daughter won her match. Her opponent was taller and bigger overall. But my girl has great technique and she’s fast on her feet!

I watched her match and filmed the first round, then watched the other two rounds without filming, so I could focus on and enjoy her skill She was awesome! I am so proud of her skill and strength.

They wear head protection and mouthguards, so the risk of injury is minimal – in case you were worried.

We started going to boxing lessons together around 18 months ago (so yes, it is for any age, however at 64 I was definitely the oldest in the class – but I more than kept up!). My daughter has improved greatly over this time, and she joined a new boxing club/gym closer to her home and trains 3-4 times a week.

Ultimately, the boxing ring is the greatest metaphor for life:

“How do we show up to face our opponents?

Do we shy away, or do we stand tall?

How do we rise up after a hit?” Dr. Nahal Delpassand

Literally life advice right there.

In times of difficulty stand tall.

When life knocks you down, rise up.

Look your opponent in the eye, be brave, you’ve got this!

you got this

Further research on the benefits of boxing for women if you’re interested:

Why should women try boxing? Here are 5 great reasons. | Bright Star Boxing Academy

Dozens of Victorian women took part in bouts of boxing, study reveals | Daily Mail Online

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