60plus and loving life

Tag Archives WHOIS


I’ve received some nasty comments on my last blog post – you can read the post here sans shitty comments.

I am the moderator of my blog, so the nasty comments will not be published. My blog. My choice.

The interesting thing is that the comments appeared to be from 3 different emails, but they are all fake (that’s not a surprise). One was even purporting to be from friends of mine. Just so you know, no friends of mine would ever speak to me that way.

Now how do I know the email addresses are fake?


I am a techie. Have been for years. I have a PhD in Computer Science.

On my blog dashboard I can see the comments, the email addresses, and most importantly the IP address.

Guess what? All 3 shitty comments came from the same IP address.

Now, if you don’t know what an IP address is, it’s the internet protocol number uniquely assigned to the computer from which the comments were sent.

Here is a link that explains IP addresses (have a read then come back, I’ll be waiting).

What is an IP address?

I have done an IP WHOIS Lookup on the IP address associated with the 3 comments and fake email addresses.

I’m still laughing my ass off about this, seriously, try harder!

I’ll even offer some free tech advice to the person trying to flame me.

Use a VPN (Google it, I’m not going to give you everything!).

Or go to an Internet Café to send your anonymous, hate-filled (yet laughable) comments and I will continue to happily ignore them.

Come at me.

I will continue not to publish your nasty comments and I will continue to ignore your ridiculous diatribe. And, most importantly, I will continue writing my blog posts on all the topics I cover. You will not silence me!

p.s. If you don’t like my blog, don’t read it. Simple.

p.p.s. No, I will not stop going to dancing. Stop trying to push me out.


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