60plus and loving life

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Healing Energy: Nurturing Well-Being on the Cancer Journey

It’s been a little while since I gave you all a health update 😊

And I’m not entirely sure what to say. I have good days and days where I’m just really super tired and a bit emotional. But that’s normal for my new normal. Today started off good and now it’s not so great, that’s the way it goes.

I had to go back to my Haematologist a bit earlier than planned for my follow-up. I have been quite unwell over the last month and that ended up with a visit to the ER and a CT scan.

On that scan they picked up that the Lymphoma has gotten worse.

I’ve had more blood tests, yet another CT scan, and another PET scan.

I get the results and discuss treatment options/plans this coming Monday.

Then I will know the next stage of this rather strange and fascinating journey that I am on.

All in all, I am deeply grateful for the support of my beautiful and loving daughter and the care and love of my partner. I have not enough words to express the depth of love I feel for these special people without whom I would be lost.

Now onto the main topic – meditation & mindfulness and how these two practices are shaping my life:

Dealing with cancer is undoubtedly one of life’s most profound challenges. The physical and emotional toll it takes can be overwhelming, leading to a rollercoaster of good and challenging days. In the midst of this turbulent journey, however, lies the transformative potential of meditation and mindfulness. Personally I find that these practices offer solace, strength, and a renewed perspective, reminding me of the privilege of life and the importance of valuing my health and well-being.

Navigating the Ups and Downs

Living with cancer can be an unpredictable journey, with good days and challenging days intertwined. On the good days, when energy and optimism surge, it’s essential to embrace them fully. These moments allows me to savour life’s simple pleasures, appreciate the beauty around me, and strengthens my resolve to fight.

However, I’ve found it’s equally important to acknowledge and honour the challenging days when fatigue, pain, or emotional turmoil loom large. These moments can be disheartening, but they, too, hold valuable lessons and opportunities for growth.

The Role of Meditation and Mindfulness

I have found that both meditation and mindfulness are invaluable tools for navigating the peaks and valleys of my cancer journey. By training my mind to be present and aware, these practices have enabled me to find inner peace and resilience amidst uncertainty.

Here’s how they can make a significant difference:

  1. Cultivating Inner Calm:

Through meditation, I have learned to focus my attention on the present moment, allowing worries and anxieties to fade into the background. By observing my thoughts without judgment, I have been able to reduce stress and foster a sense of calm, even in the face of adversity.

  1. Enhancing Emotional Well-being:

Cancer can bring forth a range of emotions, from fear and sadness to anger and frustration. Mindfulness has helped me to improve my emotional intelligence, allowing me to acknowledge and process these feelings without being consumed by them. By cultivating self-compassion, I have found solace and acceptance within myself.

  1. Building Resilience:

Meditation has really strengthened my ability to respond to adversity with resilience. It has absolutely helped me develop a deep inner wellspring of strength and equanimity, enabling me to bounce back from setbacks and face each day with renewed determination.

  1. Connecting with the Present Moment:

Cancer can disrupt my sense of time, pulling me into thoughts of the past or worries about the future. Mindfulness always brings me back to the present moment, helping me appreciate the beauty and wonder of life that exists in the here and now. It allows me to experience moments of joy, love, and gratitude amidst the challenges that I currently face.

Embracing Life’s Privilege

The cancer journey inevitably confronts us with the fragility and preciousness of life. Each day becomes an opportunity to cherish the gift of existence and to honour my health and well-being. Meditation and mindfulness serve as gentle reminders to value the present moment and nourish my body, mind, and spirit.

By incorporating meditation and mindfulness into my life, I have cultivated a deeper connection with myself and the world around me. I have become more attuned to my body, listening to its needs and responding with care. I have learned to appreciate the small joys and find beauty in even the most difficult of circumstances. Ultimately, I have recognized that every breath is a privilege, and every day is an opportunity for growth and gratitude.

As cancer presents its myriad challenges, the power of meditation and mindfulness shines through as a beacon of hope and strength. These practices provide invaluable tools for navigating the unpredictable journey with grace and resilience.

By embracing the good and challenging days alike, I find I can foster a deeper appreciation for life’s preciousness.

Let us remember to value our health and well-being, cherishing each moment as a privilege and a gift.

image credit: RizelleAnneGalvez. Words my own.

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Mother’s Day, breast cancer, love & well-being…

Hello my lovelies

It was Mother’s Day in Australia and the US (UK is a different month/day) on Sunday just gone.

I have a tradition whereby I run a 5km fun run that is a fundraiser for breast cancer research. I have entered the fun run for several years now as I’ve always believed it’s a good cause and I have had a number of friends impacted by breast cancer and one friend died last year after contracting it for the third time (plus it had spread throughout her body). She refused any further treatments as she wanted to go out on her own terms. Full respect for her and her decision. She was a beautiful soul.

Last year my daughter joined me for the run (usually we’d catch up for lunch after I completed the run). It was fantastic to have her with me and little did we know that a year later the run would have far more significance for us.

(The main image photo is my daughter and I after we finished the run – the love and bond between us is clear to see. She is the best human I have ever had the honour to know and love and I am so grateful to her for all the support she has given me, plus her quirky humour and kind and generous nature.)

Now I am the 1 in 7 women who has been directly affected by breast cancer. Read about the stats at the link here understanding breast cancer.  My diagnosis was less than two months ago, my surgery (lumpectomy and 5 lymph nodes removed) 8 weeks ago.

I have healed really well and I have returned to all my former pursuits. Running, dancing, gym workouts, hiking and walking my dog. I’m also back at work, I never really stopped, but some of my specialist appointments and my surgery and recovery days were during working days (I work part-time, 3 days/week). My workplace has been super supportive and my boss has said I can take as much time as I need, even if it means I suddenly need to leave work – which actually did happen when I first saw the surgeon and had surgery the following day.

I have also made some changes to my health and wellness routines. I quit alcohol completely, the minute I got the diagnosis, I’m like “I’m done…” alcohol is toxic and my body was unwell and now healing and there is no place for toxins. There is a direct correlation between alcohol consumption and cancer. Studies show that alcohol increases the likelihood of certain cancers, but there is no clear indication that it impacts one after a cancer diagnosis, but the recommendation is to steer clear – see this link for further information alcohol & cancer.

I am currently dealing with two separate cancers (got a diagnosis of non-Hodgkins Lymphoma a couple of weeks after the breast cancer diagnosis). So basically, for me, alcohol is off the menu – permanently and I don’t really care, it’s not something I will miss.  Whether alcohol played any role in my cancers is irrelevant really, my aim is to have optimal health and only consume things that have a positive impact at the cellular level and help with my healing journey.

I truly believe that the lymphoma was stress related. There is research that has found a link with chronic stress and speeding up the spread of cancer. Chronic stress also weakens the immune system – you can read more about it here connection between chronic stress and cancer. There is no direct evidence stress causes cancer (however a weakened immune system due to chronic stress may be a trigger), but it sure as heck makes it grow and spread like wildfire.

Therefore, in addition to rejigging my health and wellness routines, I have eliminated all forms of stress from my life. People who aim to cause me stress are no longer a part of my life, I literally cannot afford to have drama queens/kings causing me distress or trauma. I am meditating daily (it really, really does help in creating an inner peace) and focusing on the positives in my life, of which there are many.

I also decided at the beginning of last week to alter my diet to being entirely plant-based. For years now I have tried to eat only fresh food, mostly plants – but in addition I did eat meat and fish, eggs and some dairy. I feel that this is the right decision for me and my health, wellness and recovery/healing journey. I love finding veggie recipes and already had a bunch of go-to recipes that are plant based. I love chickpeas, hummus is life! So far, I am not missing or craving meat and I am increasing my nutrient intake with more veggies, legumes, nuts and pulses. And yes I am aware that I need to ensure sufficient Vitamin B12 (nutritional yeast for the win!); calcium and iron. I’m good at ensuring I get the right mix of food each day. Plus two tablespoons of ground flaxseed daily. There is evidence to suggest that the lignans in flaxseed have a beneficial effect, particularly in relation to breast cancer. Read about it here: 3 nutrients cancer survivors should know.

I have also eliminated refined sugars, the processed kind, not the sugars that you obtain from fresh fruit. There are different types of sugars and it’s the refined ones that cause damage at the cellular level. There is no direct evidence linking sugar and cancer. However, there is “…accumulating evidence that sugar consumption is associated with increased cancer risk, recurrence, and mortality.” (Reference link Sugar & Cancer UCSF.)

I’ll keep you all updated on my health and wellness journey, particularly with my tweaked nutritional regimen. In the meantime, stay well, stay healthy, stay strong!


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Now that my Blog is established and getting more followers, I am working on launching a Podcast. I’m going to release it on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Castbox, Overcast, Stitcher and RadioPublic – making sure I reach listeners on their preferred platform anywhere in the world.

I’ll be cross-promoting with other podcasters to get more traction and grow my listeners. I’ll also be launching my Podcast across my social media and regular media and I have a couple interviews lined up.

My Podcast will be along the same themes and categories that you can find in my Blog, but with the added spin of hearing my voice and conversations with guests and a few extras that will only be available on the Podcast especially for you.

It’s going to be a mixture of interviews, special guests, and great content on being 60+ and loving life!

I’ll be talking about all my favourite things. Dancing, my dog and therapy/assistance dogs, relationships (the good, the bad and the in-between!), health & fitness – particularly for people over 60, and chatting with other people about their views on all things!

I am so excited to be moving forward with this new project. I can’t wait to share this with you all.

The podcast episodes will be dropped every fortnight – I’ll update you on the launch date soon. Some content will be serious, and some will be fun and light-hearted, but all content will be engaging!

Life is fabulous. Do what makes you happy! Live your life, have adventures, try new things and don’t forget to love. Love yourself, your special person, your family and your friends! ❤️

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Happy Christmas!


It’s Christmas Eve and sweltering hot in my neck of the woods! I’ve just turned on the air con as I’m starting to melt. I usually leave it as late in the day as possible and generally prefer the ceiling fan.

It’s not as hot this year as the last few Christmases have been, but still it’s mid summer and toasty!

Not sure what your plans are this year, but I hope you have a delightful and happy Christmas whatever you choose to do. And if you are alone this Christmas, my thoughts are with you and sending you love and hugs…

It can be a beautiful time of year and a challenging time of year and I’ve had both types over the years. So I understand if it’s your happiest day with family or your saddest day with no close family to spend the day with you.

I’ll start my Christmas Day with a 5km run, nice and early to beat the heat. It’s my way of settling myself for the day. A reminder that I am fortunate to have a body that functions well and allows me to get up and run. It’s a mindfulness and gratitude setting time, whereby I run and recall all the good things in my life, enjoy the beauty of the morning, listen to the birds and greet the odd person who also gets out early on a Christmas morn.

My sister is recovering well from her kidney cancer operation. She lives on the other side of the country, so I won’t see her for Christmas, but she is surrounded by her children and grandchildren and her Christmas day will be filled with joy.

My daughter and I will be going to my partner’s family for Christmas this year. There’ll be lots of food, wine, laughter and games to play with the kids. My favourite Christmas treat is Christmas cake or pudding – dark, rich and fruity! It is literally the one thing I anticipate on the day (foodwise) and it’s always a delight!

We all bring something to share, so that no-one is burdened with all the preparation and cooking. We each have a Secret Santa gift for another person and then share in the cleaning up at the end of the day.

Then it’s a wrap for another year!



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You’re never too old for facepaint!

Facepainting 101

I started a part-time job a few months back – mostly because I am done with full-time work and all the stress that comes with that. Also because it’s my way of easing into retirement, still having an income and staying engaged with the world of work and people. After a couple of weeks in the job the boss asked if I’d like to take on the role of Safety & Wellbeing Officer (I have done similar in prior roles) and I said sure, I’d love to take that on.

I look after the safety of the entire team and ensure that the workplace is one that looks after all our people, so that they can go home at night safe and well. The wellbeing component is the most fun part. I get to run wellbeing campaigns and I’ve been able to take my dog in for RUOK Day  and everyone loved seeing him for all the pets and cuddles!

I can purchase healthy snacks for the break room, run wellbeing competitions and give out prizes and recently I booked the corporate massage people to give team-members an in-chair shoulder and back massage. That was also a great hit and is one I will do on the regular!

I find that, even though I am relatively new, team members seek me out to talk about things that bother them and ask my advice on a variety of matters. I can proudly say that safety has improved and everyone is more mindful of unsafe practices and bring to my attention safety issues that need to be rectified.

Now, how does face painting factor into all of this? My workplace goes out to schools and communities to run various activities and we also have face painting for children during school holidays. Our Activities Officer asked if I’d be interested in learning face painting so I can join the crew of face painting team members. I’ve already been out to a couple of primary (elementary) schools to work with classes of children to make mini toolboxes and birdhouses. So picking up face painting as a new skill and element in my job is a beautiful addition! Pics below of my first attempts at practicing on my arm. Main pic is a colleague who painted a cute butterfly on my face! Love it… 🥰

face painting practiceface painting practice


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In the park having a scamper

Happiness is a joyful dog!


Took George for a walk in the park, it’s about to rain soon, so I thought we’d get out before it hits! I managed to get this video of him scampering about, watching him run makes me happy too!

Not that he minds going out in the rain, he has a yellow raincoat and neither of us care about getting wet. But getting out before it rains means I don’t have to dry him off when we get home, he’s a total water sponge! 😂💦

It’s true that having a dog is good for your emotional and physical wellbeing. Dogs need a walk and for some folk that’s their exercise for the day, which is a good thing.

Going outside is good for the spirit too. Grass, trees, the sky and a dog, what’s not to love?



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