60plus and loving life

Tag Archives positive motivation

Value yourself and others

I’m in a really good place right now…

But I am mindful that it’s not always easy to focus on the positive. However, it’s important to remind yourself of your intrinsic value and self-worth. We can be so busy with the day to day minutiae of life and get caught up with problems and forget to take time out for self-care.

I really value my family and friends and always see the good within them and I know they do likewise with me.

Having meaningful connections with people is important. Valuing the people in your life is important.

We all have flaws (hopefully mine are more endearing than annoying, but that could be wishful thinking!🤷‍♀️😂)

Take the time to really listen to the people in your life. Try to understand where they are coming from, their place in life at this point in time and any joy or struggles they may be facing.

I had an acquaintance of mine message me that he does not like my blog posts. He feels they “reflect poorly” on myself! Well, ok then. I hadn’t asked for his opinion, nor do I particularly welcome his comments. However, in the spirit of seeing the good in folk, I will take the high road and assume that for whatever misguided reason, he (possibly) meant well and if not, it’s not a problem. My blog is for me and my followers and so far the feedback I have received is overwhelmingly positive and encouraging.

Love and peace y’all…

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