60plus and loving life

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What are you grateful for in your life?

Gratitude is an interesting concept. It’s important to acknowledge what we have in life for which we can be grateful. Sometimes it’s challenging to find something. When life is testing you or presenting you with serious challenges you can lose sight of the good things.

I’ve had a rocky start to 2023. It began with a long-term relationship ending suddenly and abruptly. However, with time to reflect, I have realized it was one of the best things to happen. The person who removed themselves from my life was not good for me and given the things that happened shortly afterwards, I am deeply and sincerely grateful that they decided to end things. It has given me the space and time to reflect, move on and prioritize my own well-being.

In rapid succession I was diagnosed with breast cancer, then non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and a wee bout of Covid thrown into the mix! In the weirdest way I am grateful I found the lump in my breast and eventually got the surprising (and unwelcome) diagnosis of cancer. Because of that I had scans that picked up the non-Hodgkins.

If the other person had not decided to walk himself out of my life – I think my health would have been far worse as the stress and impact on my emotional and physical wellbeing would have been overly taxing!

As for my health journey, I am feeling fantastic. I have a team of medicos looking after me and I have a Naturopath for the complementary treatments and advice. I have tweaked my diet to be even healthier than ever, no alcohol, no refined sugar and exercise daily.

For me gratitude is important. Even if it’s just “hey, I woke up and here I am!” I am meditating daily and I have found that is so helpful in staying centred, calm and balanced emotionally.

What am I grateful for?

  • my daughter (she is my rock)
  • my sister (she is in touch daily and we share health updates and humour)
  • my body (it has allowed me to recover from surgery quickly and it is capable of so many things)
  • my dog (he is awesome!)
  • my job (it’s fun and I have the best colleagues)
  • my meditation app (Balance – check it out and no, I’m not paid to promote it)
  • My gym (I have literally the best trainers and gym buddies)
  • My friends (they know when to get in touch and when to let me get on with things)
  • My dance classes and teachers and dance friends (they are supportive and fun)
  • The place where I live (it is literally paradise on earth!)
  • Running (I love to get outdoors and go for a run, living near the river is a bonus!)
  • Hiking and getting out into the countryside (I find my emotional well-being is uplifted)
  • My medical team (I don’t always agree with them, but they are all fabulous in looking after me)
  • The amazing women and men I have met on this cancer journey (their strength and endurance astounds me, our gallows humour is the best!)
  • And you! All of you 🥰
  • I probably have many more things to be grateful for and I will add to the list when I think of them
  • Lastly, I would like to acknowledge gratitude to the man who walked out of my life at the beginning of the year, he did me a favour by leaving and for that I am deeply grateful. I wish him well in life (far, far away from me!😂)

What are you grateful for? Let me know 🥰

gratitude rituals


main image credit: Fernanda Festucci

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