60plus and loving life

Tag Archives laughter

p.s. I’ve retired!

Throughout our lives, we encounter a myriad of individuals—some enriching, some challenging, and then there are those who fit into a category all their own: pests. They’re the ones who seem to derive joy from making our lives a tad more complicated, injecting unnecessary drama and stress into otherwise peaceful waters.

Today, I find myself reflecting on one such pest—a character who once inhabited the periphery of my existence and recently decided to resurface in a most peculiar manner. This individual, who shall remain nameless, took it upon themselves to lodge an anonymous complaint about my blog to my former workplace. Yes, you read that correctly: anonymous complaint, former workplace. Allow me to unpack this curious tale.

In the annals of my blog, I’ve occasionally touched upon anecdotes and experiences from my professional life. Always done so with discretion, mind you, and never in a manner that would compromise confidentiality or professionalism. Yet, like a hawk circling its prey, this pest scoured through my digital musings, seeking to unearth anything that could be twisted into a tool for their own amusement.

Their complaint? A trifling matter, to say the least. A few passing mentions of workplace incidents, all carefully anonymized, mind you, and certainly nothing that could incite a maelstrom of controversy. Nevertheless, the pest persisted, hoping, perhaps, to stir up trouble where there was none to be found.

What this pest failed to grasp, however, is that their efforts were as futile as shouting into the void. For you see, I have long since bid adieu to the realm of office politics and water cooler gossip. Retirement beckoned, and I heeded its call with open arms. My days are now spent basking in the glow of newfound freedom, far removed from the machinations of corporate life.

Imagine my bemusement, then, when a friend in HR kindly brought the anonymous complaint to my attention—a feeble attempt at sabotage, destined for the dustbin of irrelevance. Oh, the irony! To think that someone would expend such energy on a venture so utterly devoid of consequence.

But here’s the thing about pests: they thrive on attention, on the notion that they hold sway over our emotions and actions. And so, rather than succumb to indignation or frustration, I choose instead to laugh—to revel in the absurdity of it all. For what greater victory is there than to greet adversity with a hearty chuckle and a dismissive wave?

To the pest who sought to darken my doorstep with their petty grievances, I offer a simple message: cheers! Your efforts may have been in vain, but your persistence is nothing if not admirable. Keep trying, by all means, and I shall continue to find solace in the knowledge that your antics serve only to reaffirm my resilience.

In life we will find that pests will come and go, their presence but a fleeting nuisance in the grand scheme of things. And so, with that thought in mind, I raise a toast to the resilience of the human spirit—to the indomitable resolve that allows us to weather even the most trivial of storms.

Here’s to laughing in the face of adversity, to embracing life’s quirks with a smile and a shrug. For in the end, it is not the pests that define us, but our unwavering determination to rise above them, unscathed and undeterred.

Cheers to that, my friends. And may we never lose sight of the joy that comes from turning life’s lemons into the sweetest of lemonades.❤️



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