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Harmony in Motion: Celebrating the Fabulous Community of Rock and Roll Dancers

Hey there, dance enthusiasts and rock and roll rebels! Today, I’m thrilled to share the joyous tale of our vibrant rock and roll dance community, a tapestry woven with friendship, talent, and the irresistible beat of classic tunes.

From the infectious energy on the dance floor to the heartfelt camaraderie that binds us together, our community is truly something special.

A Community of Fabulous Friends:

In our rock and roll dance community, we’re more than just dance partners; we’re friends who groove together. Whether we’re stepping, spinning, or simply enjoying the music, the bonds we’ve forged go beyond the dance floor.

We support each other’s triumphs and cheer each other on through the highs and lows, creating a network of fabulous friends that make every dance night a celebration.

The Maestros Behind the Magic:

Our dance teachers are the unsung heroes of our rock and roll journey. With a perfect blend of humor and expert instruction, they guide us through intricate routines and inspire us to embrace the rhythm with gusto.

Their dedication and passion infuse our community with the spirit of rock and roll, turning each lesson into a memorable experience.

Decking the Halls in Rock and Roll Style:

One of the highlights of our community calendar is the annual Christmas dance extravaganza.

The hall comes alive with laughter and the sound of jingle bells as we all come together to decorate and transform the space into a rock and roll Christmas wonderland.

It’s not just about tinsel and lights; it’s about infusing the space with the same festive spirit that defines our dance community.

Dancing the Night Away:

And then comes the magical night itself. The Christmas dance is the culmination of our efforts, where the twinkle in our eyes matches the sparkle of the decorations.

We dance the night away, reveling in the joy of movement and the company of our fantastic community.

The laughter, the spins, and the electric energy on the dance floor create memories that linger long after the last note fades away.

Our rock and roll dance community is a vibrant testament to the power of friendship, dance, and celebration.

From our talented teachers to the friends who dance beside us, each person contributes to the magic that is uniquely ours.

As we continue to sway, spin, and shimmy together, we’re not just creating dance routines – we’re crafting a symphony of joy, laughter, and everlasting camaraderie that defines the heart and soul of our fabulous rock and roll family. (mainimagecredit:creativecommons)

a group of people who have decorated a hall for a Christmas dance

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Christmas Day 2022

Christmas Day was fairly relaxed and chill. We spent the day with my partner’s family and my daughter 🥰

We all got there around midday, however the in-laws on the other side got stuck in a freeway jam for a couple of hours which was unfortunate as they were bringing a lot of the main lunch food! We had all the desserts and salads.

In the meantime because we were all getting a bit hungry, we snacked on cookies my daughter brought and had a few glasses of champagne! By the time the rest of the party arrived (flustered and hot), we were all a wee bit merry! We got them to have a glass of champagne, sit down and relax whilst we organized plates, food and serving utensils.

After lunch and endless desserts (Christmas cake, pavlova, trifle, chocolates & more cookies) everyone played a hectic game. I had never heard of it before I met my partner. It’s got a few names including “Christmas gift stealing”, “white elephant”, “stealing Santa” and Google tells me it’s a version of “Yankee Swap”. Here’s a link that explains how the game is played. However, the version we play is a roll of the dice game – get a 6 and grab a gift from the centre pile. At the end of 5 minutes, you keep rolling the dice and if you get a 6, you can grab a gift from someone else’s pile. Everyone ends up in fits of laughter. Then at the end we unwrap the gifts and we usually end up swapping them with each other!

After that my partner and I throw on some Rock & Roll tunes and have a dance around (and yes, we were wearing matching Christmas vests!). It was a good way to work off all that food!


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