60plus and loving life

Tag Archives healthy older women

Swimming as therapy (for your mind!)

Swim/swam. Splish/splash…

This weekend has been emotionally fraught and draining. It’s Sunday afternoon and I have been feeling quite wiped out. I was messaging my daughter and told her I might go for a swim or just be lazy.

She replied immediately and said to go for a swim as it would make me feel better and she’s correct.

Mind you, it wasn’t that straightforward. Fortunately, I live in a town where we have lots of public swimming pools. The first one I went to was closing as the power had gone out in the neighbourhood.

So I went a couple suburbs over to my other favourite pool. Hopped in and swam 14 laps and the pool attendant called out to me to stop. They were putting up the wall to turn the 50 metre pool into a 25 metre pool. They do that sometimes if they are having kids lessons in the other half.

I usually like to swim at least 20 laps of the 50 metre. I could have continued with the 25 metre after waiting a few minutes for them to raise the wall in the middle. But I thought, you know what? 14 laps are good for today and I sure did feel a lot better.

I find swimming soothing and meditative. I find I can ease stressed emotions and basically let go of what is bothering me. I was also composing this blog post as I swam along.

Swimming is a great all round exercise, it doesn’t stress your joints as it’s low-impact. It’s a workout for your whole body, it’s good for your heart and lungs and really good for your mental health/emotional wellbeing. Check out this article for more information on the benefits of swimming.

I love to swim in the summer months and try to go at least once/week. During the winter I find it a bit more challenging to fling myself in the water, but when I do I always love it! Another benefit for my being a “senior” now is that I get discounted entry to the pool!

What’s not to love? Oh and I love my new swimsuit – Speedos – comfy and flexible, perfect for swimming and check out the green!

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You do you and I’ll do me!

Unwanted 0pinions!

I was having coffee with a friend yesterday and we were chatting about our interests. I’d been to the gym that morning and he commented that I seem to go to the gym a lot. I’m like mmhmm and I run, swim and dance. I’m very active and I like to stay fit and healthy, for me it helps with the ageing process and I feel better for working on my fitness. He then asked if it was an “escape.” I’m like huh? I was feeling a bit annoyed at this stage as there was a level of judgement coming through. I said, no, it’s not an escape, I actually enjoy staying fit and healthy.

He then said that people can take it too far. I’m not sure what he meant by that, however I said what I do to stay fit and healthy and strong is for me. I don’t comment or pass judgement on other people’s choices, I’m not the “fitness or health police”.  But I was feeling like I had to justify what I do with my life.

He then told me a story of a dear friend of his who died suddenly (helicopter accident). He said his friend was really fit and only ate healthy food and didn’t drink alcohol. He then said “If my friend were still alive, I’m sure he’d say he wished he’d eaten more burgers and junk food!”

Alrighty. I offered my condolences, because it was sad that his friend had passed. I didn’t say anything else as it seemed as if he was using that story to again throw shade on my fit and healthy lifestyle. But I can for sure, hand on heart, say that if I died suddenly; I definitely would not think with my last breath on earth that I should have eaten more burgers! I would hope I had time to have a final thought of love for my daughter and gratitude for my life.

Find your own path in life and let me follow mine!

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