60plus and loving life

Tag Archives Western Australia

Motorbike frog

I love frogs!

I am fortunate that at my workplace we have a garden section. In that section we have some resident fauna, including this cute little motorbike frog!

I don’t always get out into nature, so it’s lovely having a work garden to wander through occasionally and check out the critters. Motorbike frogs are native to the South West of Western Australia and they get their unique name from the sound the male frogs make when mating, which sounds like a motorbike going through it’s gear changes!

I was listening to one of my new favourite podcasts recently called “big picture science” (I’m a bit of a science geek and love to listen to science based podcasts, in addition to my favourite health and wellbeing ones). The interviewee was discussing nature and people and how we need to be more interconnected. Can’t argue with that one. However, the commentary was that people/humans see themselves as distinctly separate to nature, hence the common expression of getting “out into nature” (which is a statement I use a lot and have done pretty much my whole life) implying that we are not actually part of nature itself.

For me, I feel very much connected and a part of nature when I am surrounded by trees or by a river or the ocean. Less so when I am in the city and/or suburbs. I think that is common for most people and possibly why many people feel apart from or separate from “nature”.

Interesting discussion and ideas to think about. I like things that make me think or question things or reflect on my own concepts of how I view the world.

Spotting that little motorbike frog in the plant made me smile and brightened my day and I hope it makes you smile too!

For more information on motorbike frogs, check this link: motorbike frog


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Western Australia – my home

I love getting out of the city and exploring my state. I live in one of the most remote cities in the world and it’s the biggest state in Australia, covering nearly one third of the country. There is great beauty from the Kimberley’s in the north and down to Margaret River and further down south

Horizontal Falls Broome
Horizontal Falls – Broome. Western Australia

So much of the scenery is breathtaking and varies from crystal blue ocean to deep red/ochre rock formations. So much of the place is remote and you really feel the vastness when travelling.

Rock formation Broome
Isn’t this stunning? Kimberley’s W.A.

The critters aren’t always friendly and you need to watch out for the bitey ones! Don’t worry, I surely did not get too close to this one! That’s why you need the zoom option on the phone camera! There are warnings to keep clear of croc habitats and don’t worry, the intense heat (usually in the high 30s-40s [celsius] or 90+ degrees (farenheit) is never hot enough for me to think of sharing the water with the local wildlife!


Crocodile – Broome W.A.
Down South of Western Australia:

I love travelling down south, there are so many gorgeous towns to visit as you meander along the coastline or inland for a different perspective. Margaret River is one of my favourite places, best to visit in the off-season as it does get a lot of tourists, local, interstate and overseas and can get a bit hectic.

They have the best wineries in Margaret River and there are also some interesting critters to be seen. These stingrays are kinda friendly and can be found close to the shoreline in Hamelin Bay. They are a protected species and you should not get too close to them or step on them, but you can be in the water whilst they are swimming around nearby and they will approach you as they are curious. They are pretty docile and amazing to see them so close up!

Hamelin Bay Stingray

I really don’t get out of the city often enough and it’s when I go through my photos and remember all the beauty to be found just in my corner of the world, I get a real hankering to take off again travelling!

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