60plus and loving life

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My healing journey

I am not here to give advice or tell anyone how to live their lives or how to heal during or after any illness or period of stress. I am on my on healing and wellness journey and the path I travel is unique to me.

If anything I write about resonates with you, that is good and if not, also good.

Given that I have had a couple of recent health challenges (check my previous posts here and here for further information), I am pleased that most people tell me I look fit, well and fantastic. It’s lovely to get positive feedback. But I actually do feel fit and well. The surgery slowed me down a little, momentarily, but I have literally bounced back to my own self fairly quickly.

Mostly because I was already super fit and healthy and also because I know how to listen to my body and do things that work for me.

I have also decided to go completely WFPB (whole foods, plant based). I feel this is very much the right decision for my body in terms of healing, getting optimal nutrition, re-setting my immune system and for the best health outcomes.

If you want to know more about this – I’ve found a couple of legit websites for you to peruse for further details. WFPB (for beginners) and this from Doctors for Nutrition for further guidance. If you’re looking for some recipes to consider or if this is something new to you and you don’t know where to start, check out Forks over Knives for some nutrition packed and delicious recipes!

I love my food and I love new and interesting and tasty recipes! It’s always fun to experiment and broaden out my culinary repertoire. I find I am eating way more nutrient dense foods and that’s a plus. I love it and I am full of energy, vitality and super happy!

What I am not so fond of is folk telling me what I should be doing health-wise. I recently got bailed up in the toilets at my dance class venue! I was washing my hands, minding my own business, then got chatting with a friend about my current health situation. An acquaintance came out of one of the stalls and started berating me about my medical and health choices.

Alright then.

My friend said “her body, her choice.” Yep, ain’t that the truth!

Acquaintance carried on regardless.

When she was done spouting her view of what I should be doing with my body (and no, she has no medical or nutritional qualifications or expertise), I said to her that next time she is welcome to her thoughts, but she should aim to keep them in her head and not let them wander out of her mouth as they are not welcome.

I then left her with mouth agape, waltzed out the door and went about my business.


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