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Healing Energy: Nurturing Well-Being on the Cancer Journey

It’s been a little while since I gave you all a health update 😊

And I’m not entirely sure what to say. I have good days and days where I’m just really super tired and a bit emotional. But that’s normal for my new normal. Today started off good and now it’s not so great, that’s the way it goes.

I had to go back to my Haematologist a bit earlier than planned for my follow-up. I have been quite unwell over the last month and that ended up with a visit to the ER and a CT scan.

On that scan they picked up that the Lymphoma has gotten worse.

I’ve had more blood tests, yet another CT scan, and another PET scan.

I get the results and discuss treatment options/plans this coming Monday.

Then I will know the next stage of this rather strange and fascinating journey that I am on.

All in all, I am deeply grateful for the support of my beautiful and loving daughter and the care and love of my partner. I have not enough words to express the depth of love I feel for these special people without whom I would be lost.

Now onto the main topic – meditation & mindfulness and how these two practices are shaping my life:

Dealing with cancer is undoubtedly one of life’s most profound challenges. The physical and emotional toll it takes can be overwhelming, leading to a rollercoaster of good and challenging days. In the midst of this turbulent journey, however, lies the transformative potential of meditation and mindfulness. Personally I find that these practices offer solace, strength, and a renewed perspective, reminding me of the privilege of life and the importance of valuing my health and well-being.

Navigating the Ups and Downs

Living with cancer can be an unpredictable journey, with good days and challenging days intertwined. On the good days, when energy and optimism surge, it’s essential to embrace them fully. These moments allows me to savour life’s simple pleasures, appreciate the beauty around me, and strengthens my resolve to fight.

However, I’ve found it’s equally important to acknowledge and honour the challenging days when fatigue, pain, or emotional turmoil loom large. These moments can be disheartening, but they, too, hold valuable lessons and opportunities for growth.

The Role of Meditation and Mindfulness

I have found that both meditation and mindfulness are invaluable tools for navigating the peaks and valleys of my cancer journey. By training my mind to be present and aware, these practices have enabled me to find inner peace and resilience amidst uncertainty.

Here’s how they can make a significant difference:

  1. Cultivating Inner Calm:

Through meditation, I have learned to focus my attention on the present moment, allowing worries and anxieties to fade into the background. By observing my thoughts without judgment, I have been able to reduce stress and foster a sense of calm, even in the face of adversity.

  1. Enhancing Emotional Well-being:

Cancer can bring forth a range of emotions, from fear and sadness to anger and frustration. Mindfulness has helped me to improve my emotional intelligence, allowing me to acknowledge and process these feelings without being consumed by them. By cultivating self-compassion, I have found solace and acceptance within myself.

  1. Building Resilience:

Meditation has really strengthened my ability to respond to adversity with resilience. It has absolutely helped me develop a deep inner wellspring of strength and equanimity, enabling me to bounce back from setbacks and face each day with renewed determination.

  1. Connecting with the Present Moment:

Cancer can disrupt my sense of time, pulling me into thoughts of the past or worries about the future. Mindfulness always brings me back to the present moment, helping me appreciate the beauty and wonder of life that exists in the here and now. It allows me to experience moments of joy, love, and gratitude amidst the challenges that I currently face.

Embracing Life’s Privilege

The cancer journey inevitably confronts us with the fragility and preciousness of life. Each day becomes an opportunity to cherish the gift of existence and to honour my health and well-being. Meditation and mindfulness serve as gentle reminders to value the present moment and nourish my body, mind, and spirit.

By incorporating meditation and mindfulness into my life, I have cultivated a deeper connection with myself and the world around me. I have become more attuned to my body, listening to its needs and responding with care. I have learned to appreciate the small joys and find beauty in even the most difficult of circumstances. Ultimately, I have recognized that every breath is a privilege, and every day is an opportunity for growth and gratitude.

As cancer presents its myriad challenges, the power of meditation and mindfulness shines through as a beacon of hope and strength. These practices provide invaluable tools for navigating the unpredictable journey with grace and resilience.

By embracing the good and challenging days alike, I find I can foster a deeper appreciation for life’s preciousness.

Let us remember to value our health and well-being, cherishing each moment as a privilege and a gift.

image credit: RizelleAnneGalvez. Words my own.

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