60plus and loving life

Tag Archives healthy women

You do you and I’ll do me!

Unwanted 0pinions!

I was having coffee with a friend yesterday and we were chatting about our interests. I’d been to the gym that morning and he commented that I seem to go to the gym a lot. I’m like mmhmm and I run, swim and dance. I’m very active and I like to stay fit and healthy, for me it helps with the ageing process and I feel better for working on my fitness. He then asked if it was an “escape.” I’m like huh? I was feeling a bit annoyed at this stage as there was a level of judgement coming through. I said, no, it’s not an escape, I actually enjoy staying fit and healthy.

He then said that people can take it too far. I’m not sure what he meant by that, however I said what I do to stay fit and healthy and strong is for me. I don’t comment or pass judgement on other people’s choices, I’m not the “fitness or health police”.  But I was feeling like I had to justify what I do with my life.

He then told me a story of a dear friend of his who died suddenly (helicopter accident). He said his friend was really fit and only ate healthy food and didn’t drink alcohol. He then said “If my friend were still alive, I’m sure he’d say he wished he’d eaten more burgers and junk food!”

Alrighty. I offered my condolences, because it was sad that his friend had passed. I didn’t say anything else as it seemed as if he was using that story to again throw shade on my fit and healthy lifestyle. But I can for sure, hand on heart, say that if I died suddenly; I definitely would not think with my last breath on earth that I should have eaten more burgers! I would hope I had time to have a final thought of love for my daughter and gratitude for my life.

Find your own path in life and let me follow mine!

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Muscle tone as you get older…

The importance of muscle tone for older folk!

I wasn’t sure whether to categorize this under health & fitness or musings on ageing… it’s kinda both

I was at the pool today soaking up some sun and contemplating a swim and listening to one of my favourite health podcasts. They were talking about the importance of muscle tone for people as they get older, citing research that shows that muscle-mass decreases over the age of 30. They then went on to talk about what one can do in one’s 30s, 40s and 50s to keep and improve muscle tone.

And here’s me invisible and 64! I mean, they didn’t have to include discussion of us older ones, but it’s like there was a cut-off point in the conversation. They didn’t say “those over 50”. It was very much up to and in your 50s. Perhaps they think it’s too late for us! 😂

Part of the conversation was about women being concerned about becoming too “bulky” or being too “muscly” and thus frightened of weight/strength training. I guess that is still a thing for some women, but not for me and I would encourage every woman to consider some form of strength training. Having strong muscles means I can have an active, hectic and fun life! It means my lower back is fine as I have a strong core and abdominal muscles. Heck, my lower back is better in my 60s than it was in my 30s when I only swam for exercise.

Once I hit 40, I included regular weight and strength training every week (in addition to my cardio/running) and I can tell you that I certainly have not bulked up (not that there is anything wrong with that if someone is keen to gain more muscle mass). I am strong and I am toned. I am fit and I can run, jump, swim, cycle, dance, lift weights and sleep!

I also throw in a balance class each week, that is a mixture of yoga, pilates and balance exercises. It’s important to stay stretchy, flexible and balanced on your feet the older you get.

Podcast over, time to jump in the pool for my 20 laps! 🏊‍♀️

set up for my pump class…


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Sunday Breakfast #1

One of my favourite go to Sunday breakfasts is avocado on rye or multigrain toast, with a grinding of fresh black pepper. I don’t use any butter or marge on the toast as the avo is enough.

Alongside, I usually dry-fry some mushrooms (I have the kind of pans that don’t require oil and I find oil or suchlike makes my mushrooms soggy). I prefer swiss brown or field or maybe some enoki mushrooms if I can find them at the store. Then I sprinkle on whatever herbs I have to hand. Experiment and find what works for you!

Then to make it pretty and complete, I throw a few mini roma tomatoes on the plate! The colour combo is matched by the flavours, subtle and complementary.

It’s delicious and healthy and makes me happy. I know it’s likely not everyone’s idea of what makes a perfect Sunday lunch or brunch, but it is nutritious and delights my tastebuds!

When I eat well, I feel like I’m being kind to my body, mind and spirit and that pleases me and makes me feel all is right with my world.

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Exercise surely does have benefits when you’re older!

I went for a 6km run this morning and when I was checking my Garmin app, I had a look at my VO2 max. Now I’m not convinced the app is entirely accurate, but even if it’s indicative at best, I am pleased with the data! My VO2 max was 41, which for a woman of 64 is pretty darned good! It also said I had the fitness age of 22. So, yeah – I’ll take that as a compliment.

Your VO2 max is how much oxygen your body can absorb and use during exercise. According to Healthline – as you breathe in oxygen, your lungs absorb it and turn it into energy. This in turn powers your cells and helps reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) when you exhale.

All of that is important as it improves your aerobic capacity to exercise. Particularly as we age, our VO2 max declines. Research indicates that high VO2 max helps you live better as you age as it maintains your health and fitness into your later years. And given I’m heading into my “later years”, I’m happy to improve my VO2 max and stay in the (according to my Garmin app) “superior” category!

Garmin V02 stat
thanks for the compliment!


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I love running. Outside in the fresh air and listening to music. I have bone conducting wireless headphones, so I can still hear ambient noise and traffic! I usually run 5 – 6km around 3 times/week. However, on my birthday each year, I like to run a 10km.

When I turned 64, I went for my 10km annual run. It was a beautiful day, sunny, yet crisp. I set out from my partner’s place. 3km to the river, around for another 2km and back. There are several hills on the route and a couple of really steep ones in the last couple of k’s. However, it was a glorious run. One of those runs that just felt super easy and cruisy and fun. Even the hills didn’t faze me.

I went for another 10k run a couple of weeks after and it was horrendous. It felt like running through treacle. Then at the 4.5k mark, I tripped and landed heavily on the concrete path. I grazed and bruised both hands, both elbows and my left knee.

I continued with my run, but it was tough and unpleasant and when I got home, I was shaky and sore and feeling sorry for myself. Have you tried taking a shower when covered in grazes? Stings like crazy! I do not recommend!

A couple of months prior, I also tripped and fell and grazed myself up and then limped/ran home.

I’m not entirely sure that this might be an age-related thing or just my canny ability to trip over my own feet or as I said to my daughter “my foot forgot to foot!”

Anyway, I have decided to protect my body with gym gloves, elbow, and knee support sleeves. That way if I trip again, I will be less likely to be grazed. It’ll add a little bit of time and effort in gearing up for a run, but hopefully will make a difference.

Older people never stop running, they just wear protective armour!! 😂

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Goin’ for a walk!

We were enjoying the sunshine and my dog was scampering around joyously. There were a few lads playing cricket with a makeshift pitch and a tennis ball. A couple of them smiled and waved and I did likewise.

There was another fellow going for a slow jog around the perimeter of the park. Good for him! Nice to be out getting some exercise.

We all minding our business, best way to be. My dog stops to poop as dogs do and I was standing next to him with a bright yellow doggie poop baggie, ready to scoop and drop it in a nearby bin.

Jogger jogs past, glares at me and says “that really pisses me off” and then on he jogs.

So. Ok. I get not everyone likes dogs (except look at this face, how could you not love him?) 

However, the park is a public space and shared by joggers, dog walkers, kids and people setting up temporary sports.

He then jogged on out of the park and we continued to enjoy the sunshine and scenery.


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