60plus and loving life

Tag Archives facepainting

You’re never too old for facepaint!

Facepainting 101

I started a part-time job a few months back – mostly because I am done with full-time work and all the stress that comes with that. Also because it’s my way of easing into retirement, still having an income and staying engaged with the world of work and people. After a couple of weeks in the job the boss asked if I’d like to take on the role of Safety & Wellbeing Officer (I have done similar in prior roles) and I said sure, I’d love to take that on.

I look after the safety of the entire team and ensure that the workplace is one that looks after all our people, so that they can go home at night safe and well. The wellbeing component is the most fun part. I get to run wellbeing campaigns and I’ve been able to take my dog in for RUOK Day  and everyone loved seeing him for all the pets and cuddles!

I can purchase healthy snacks for the break room, run wellbeing competitions and give out prizes and recently I booked the corporate massage people to give team-members an in-chair shoulder and back massage. That was also a great hit and is one I will do on the regular!

I find that, even though I am relatively new, team members seek me out to talk about things that bother them and ask my advice on a variety of matters. I can proudly say that safety has improved and everyone is more mindful of unsafe practices and bring to my attention safety issues that need to be rectified.

Now, how does face painting factor into all of this? My workplace goes out to schools and communities to run various activities and we also have face painting for children during school holidays. Our Activities Officer asked if I’d be interested in learning face painting so I can join the crew of face painting team members. I’ve already been out to a couple of primary (elementary) schools to work with classes of children to make mini toolboxes and birdhouses. So picking up face painting as a new skill and element in my job is a beautiful addition! Pics below of my first attempts at practicing on my arm. Main pic is a colleague who painted a cute butterfly on my face! Love it… 🥰

face painting practiceface painting practice


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