60plus and loving life

Tag Archives egg recipe

Scrambed eggs & tofu with baby spinach

In the spirit of not making you read my entire post before giving you the recipe, I thought I’d start with the recipe and then you can read the rest of my post if you want 🙂

Scrambled eggs & tofu with baby spinach recipe:


  • 1 or 2 or 3 free-range eggs (depends how hungry you are or if it’s a shared meal)
  • half a block of soft tofu (or whatever amount you want to mix in)
  • a handful of baby spinach
  • ground black pepper
  • mixed herbs


Pour into saucepan and mix around with a wooden spoon or spatula, until you get the consistency of regular scrambled eggs (which can be slightly runny for you or firmer for me!) Then add the baby spinach and fold through until it’s a bit wilted.

Flop onto your plate and add in side veg of your choice! Enjoy!

Now for the rest of my blog post.

I decided to put the recipe first and then write up my rationale and thoughts afterwards. I’ve looked up recipes loads of times, only to have to wade through a really, really, long blog post (which may or may not be interesting) or endlessly scroll to get to the actual recipe. I guess that’s a technique to make people read the post before getting to the part that they are really there to read about – the food! And kudos to them, it works mostly. I’ve found myself fascinated with the story prior to the recipe, but equally I’ve been a bit frustrated trying to get to the recipe as I may need to buy ingredients or I’m in a bit of a rush to get things going.

This recipe came from my daughter, she’s great at experimenting and trying different things and we often share recipes or ideas. Scrambled eggs are another of my go-to recipes for Sunday brunch. I’ve also tried straight up scrambled tofu. However, as much as I love tofu, scrambled tof just never really did it for me taste-wise or texture and mouth-feel. Probably because I’m not so fond of soft tofu, I prefer the firm kind.

Putting together eggs and tofu on the other hand gave it a better structure and overall flavour with the addition of black pepper and herbs and the flavour is enhanced. Plus you are getting a good protein boost, which is necessary for muscle repair, especially after a good gym session!

So there you have it. When I post recipes, I’ll always put them first to make it easier for you and if you have the time and/or the inclination, feel free to read my post and leave a comment 🙂

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