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My dog is a ball thief!

Took my Georgie-boy to the park this morning for our usual morning meander.

He played with a cute l’il mini Schnauzer. I am always happy to see my dog play like a puppy. He’s nigh on 12 years old and he still thinks he’s a pup! But then don’t we all? Don’t be telling us we old! No such thing! 😂

I’ve mentioned before that George is a semi-retired therapy dog. He has spent hundreds of hours making folk feel better, calming them down in times of stress and anxiety. Helping people overcome dog phobias. He loves all people, from the tiniest of toddlers to the very old and infirm. He literally has endless patience with people wanting to pet him, talk with him, play with him and take photos of him (I swear he has more photos on his social media than I will ever have!) – you can check out his FB at George_the_Therapy_Dog (click the link). He’s on Insta as well and you can see all his gorgeous photos! @george-the-therapy-dog

He has the best traits for this type of work. He is calm, gentle, patient and sweet natured.

He is also my best friend.

Everybody loves him.

His only vice is stealing other dog’s tennis balls! Check that photo…. is he looking guilty? or is he looking pleased with himself?

I was just about to leave the park to head home and I called him over and he came trotting along with his latest acquisition! I let him happily and proudly trot one more time around the park with the ball (by this stage, there were no other dogs or people in the park – so I have no idea who owned the ball). I then placed the ball on the park bench in case the owner returned.

Usually I apologize for his cheeky behaviour if the ball owner is around, most times people end up throwing the ball for him and their own dog. That’s the thing with dog people, they are a nice mob. We get it. We love our dogs.

We also know that people who don’t like dogs are a little bit peculiar (I’m not talking about people who are scared of dogs – but for sure we can help you with that!), but when I come across a non-dog person I wonder what is wrong with them, often they are emotionally cold and have no empathy for dogs or people. They are the ones to avoid!

Peace and waggly tails to you – love and hugs from George and I to you and yours! 🐾 🤗


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