60plus and loving life

Tag Archives dancing

Health & Fitness is a lifestyle!

I don’t do diets…

I was at dance class yesterday afternoon. It’s interesting trying to have a conversation during the class. The women move from man to man and you have 30 seconds top if you want to catch up whilst dancing (rather than before or after class!). And with some folk that’s when I do catch up with them.

I was chatting with one of the guys who has been coming along for a couple of years now. The first pass by, he mentioned he’d started a diet and I expressed surprise as he seems fairly trim, however he doesn’t have much muscle tone (I know this as dancing does involve touching the other persons arm or waist, depending on the dance move).

I asked him why and he said he needed to lose 8kgs. I then moved on to the next dance partner. However, my curiosity was piqued, so on the next turn with my friend I asked him what his motivation was to lose weight. He said that he started walking 5kms a day and had gone on a diet (I didn’t ask which one as diets are not my thing).

I said walking 5kms a day was a good thing to do for his health and fitness as it will improve his cardiovascular health. He said he was determined to stick with his diet and walking “this time”. He also said he’d taken up doing push-ups each day and has one of those vibrators  (sorry, but I snorted with laughter at this point), then realized he meant one of those vibrating plates that you jump on that jiggles you about. I’m not sure how effective those things are as I’ve never tried, but kudos to my friend for giving it a go.

His comment that he’d stick with it “this time” implies that he has tried dieting and getting fitter and has somehow “failed” previously. I am not keen on “failure” as a word when it comes to health and fitness goals. Sometimes I am super healthy and fit, sometimes I lose focus and eat crap or wake up and can’t be bothered going for a run. I never see that as “failure”, it’s just that it’s impossible to be perfect all the time and we are, after all, human with all that entails.

Back to my friend and the next ‘go round’. I said that rather than focus on  being on a “diet”, he could reframe his thoughts and see his new exercise regimen and eating plan as his now and forever lifestyle. I said that the problem with going on a diet is that at some point it ends, then people tend to go back to their old eating habits and the weight creeps back on. He hadn’t thought of it in that way and it was like a light had switched on in his eyes.

Back round again and he said that thinking of it as a lifestyle made him feel more optimistic about succeeding. I did want to talk about the concept of failure, but didn’t have the time in that lesson to continue the conversation. However, I did suggest that he not focus too much on the numbers on the scale, but to focus on improving his cardiovascular fitness with his walking and to keep up the strength training and healthy eating. He smiled. I felt good about sharing knowledge with someone starting (or re-starting) their health journey. Oh, by the way, he’s 74 – so it’s never too late to start improving your health & fitness (but check in with your health care practitioner first!).

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Dancing makes my spirit sing!


I love dancing, it makes me happy. It’s a great way to socialize and catch up with friends and it’s also a good workout! I started dancing four years ago after years of thinking it was something I would not enjoy. I never felt particularly coordinated and at weddings and suchlike I always stumbled around and stepped on my partners feet. 😂

I joined a jazz ballet class when I was in my teens, I think I lasted all of one class! I was too shy, could not follow the moves easily and all the other girls seemed to float like fairies through the various moves. So I quit. Fortunately, over the years I have become less of a quitter when I try something new and different.

When I realized I might actually like to learn dancing, I thought I’d try out rock & roll and jive dancing (although since then I have picked up the walz, evening three-step and some progressive dances to add to my repertoire). The classes go in 6 week rotations, with a beginners class then the improvers/advanced class afterwards. When I started it was beginner’s jive. I’m glad that was the case as rock & roll was a lot harder to learn with all the spinning around. I think it took around 4 months for me to stop losing my balance when spinning and another year or so to feel like I was a competent dancer.

I know a lot of people join dance classes and then leave early on when they struggle to learn the steps or dance in time with the beat. Others are too shy (like I was) to join a dance class or think they have to have a partner to join. You don’t. Most of these classes give you the opportunity to dance with everyone, so you are never left on the outside looking in.

However, I and many others have found a partner at dance class. I met my partner 3 years ago, I’d been going for a year and he joined two years prior. That’s the joy of meeting someone at class – you both have at least one thing in common and as you get older it is more difficult to find common ground/interests with potential partners.

My partner does not want to feature in any of my blog posts and that’s fine, this is my interest. I love writing and sharing thoughts and ideas with people and he’s been learning a musical instrument. It’s lovely to have something in common and also lovely to have something that is uniquely our own pursuit.

couple at a dance
from the back so he can remain anonymous!

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Turning 64!

I love getting older! I’m fit and strong and loving life. Now that I work part-time (I quit the full-time gig earlier this year!), I have a heck of a lot more time to do the things I love. More time at the gym, running, swimming, reading and hanging with my dog!

For my birthday I went out dancing, which I do most weekends. I’m part of the rock and roll and jive community and there’s usually something on each weekend.

I decided to dress it up for my 64th. Nothing tame or “old lady” for me! I bought some skin tight (vegan) pants and wore one of my cute dance tops with it…

For me getting older is about being true to myself and not caring for what other people think of me (well except, yes I do like the odd compliment!)

I have no time for judgmental folk, life really is too short for that nonsense! Go have fun and be yourself, there’ll always be people ready to criticize – you just need to ignore them!

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