60plus and loving life

Tag Archives beautiful scenery

…and it’s Friday!

Happy Friday y’all…

I hope wherever you are and wherever you are at, that you have a wonderful day full of love and joy!

It’s beautiful weather over in my neck of the woods and I went for a 6km run this morning. The pics above and below are the views on one of my run trails. I love running, it’s wonderful to be out in nature and it’s uplifting for the heart and spirit.

I’ll head to the gym later for a Balance Class (mixture of yoga and pilates) – nice way to end the week with a stretching, flexibility and balance session – followed by a relaxation, breathing session at the end.

The new man I have started seeing is also into fitness – he goes to the gym and like me, he’s up at ridiculous o’clock (5.30 – 6.00am). He also follows his workout sessions with a protein shake with almond milk (it’s a thing y’all)! It’s nice to connect with someone that I don’t have to explain why I love the early morning or what almond milk is 😂 – he just gets it!

I might even go for a swim in the afternoon, seeing how it’s glorious, sunny weather.

Then a dinner date tonight and dancing all weekend long, because that’s how I roll!

running trail


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