60plus and loving life

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My dog is the best!

George went to the groomers yesterday and had a day of doggie daycare as well. He had a slightly shorter cut this time as it’s close on summer time in our neck of the woods and I don’t want him overheating. I took this photo of him and he looks so sweet and neat & tidy too! He has the most beautiful soulful eyes 🥰

So I thought I’d share the picture and share the love. I gave him a treat after taking his photo as he’s very patient with me. He sat there all nice and chill whilst I snapped a few pics until I got one that felt like I got the composition right. He has the nicest temperament, is very relaxed and calm and very loving.

Sometimes the world can be a bit hectic. Our lives can feel unbalanced and people or things happen that may disappoint. Sometimes you just need to see a photo of a lovely, friendly dog looking into your eyes and to remember that there is kindness, caring, love and peace in the world. Sending you all loving and peaceful vibes 🥰

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